It's FLOWER CANDY! I could EAT it all!
Power to the flower, girls. And just in time for May Day! (
whatever May Day is...) But how fun to give one to each of your friends on May Day!
So apparently BIG FLOWER accessories are all the rage right now and I've seen these all over the place. Naturally, on account of my need to fit in at
all costs, I had to make my own.
You can clip them in you hair, clip them on a purse, glue them on a skinny headband, or clip one on your shirt as a brooch - the possibilities are endless. UH-DOR-ABLE.
I have no more words.

Okay - so you'll need a few supplies. Flowers, buttons, sparklies, etc., and whichever clip you're going to use. I prefer the "aligator" clip - the top one - simply because they're SO versatile. I get mine at "
Ribbons and Bows, Oh My!".
First I wanted to show you that if you're loving your purchased flower just the way it is and you don't want to take it apart, you can remove the middle, glue in something pretty there, and add your clip to the back and be done.
Just make sure you clip off the stem before you glue the clip on.
Otherwise, take ALL of your flowers apart, throwing away all of the plastic pieces. You don't need 'em.
Now is where it gets really fun. You get to totally
play!! Using the larger petals on the bottom, play with your colors, shapes, and designs until you get something you love.
Once you're satisfied, turn them upside-down and work from the bottom. Lay the bottom piece down, add a little glue around the middle, and stick the next piece on top of it. Keep going on this way until you've got your flower all glued down.
If your bottom petals are too floppy, add a drop of glue to them and press them to the middle petals.
Now you're ready to finish off with a middle sparkly.
If you choose a button with a back on it, I'd suggest cutting it off somehow. Otherwise, you can sew the button to your flower with a needle and thread *carefully* because you have dried glue to deal with. I will guarantee that you'll loose your sparkle button if you try to hot glue that knobby end to the middle of your flower - unless you use 5 glue sticks to make a giant mound of glue! (eww. don't do that.)
To make a covered button, you'll need this handy little kit from your craft store. Covered buttons are
SO cool. I think you should get this kit just so you can make one and use it on something random!
The back of the packaging has good directions but I'll show you here, as well.
I wanted a specific part of my fabric scrap to be in the middle, so I held my button there while I cut around the fabric.
Then you put the fabric inside the little rubber mold thingie - and put the button piece in the middle of the fabric. Trim up the edges of your fabric a little bit to prevent bulging.
Press everything together with the tool and you have a custom-made button!!!
I tried using felt to secure my clip to the flower but I like using this method instead. (The felt was making my hair slip out of the clip!)
Using a small flower, put your clip right in the middle of one of the notched areas. You're going to put glue on the petals and the back of the clip, securing it to the big flower.
Make sure you're able to open the clip before the glue dries - sometimes the glue can leak and make everything stick together.
Now it's totally secure and WON'T slip. (and it's a cute way to finish off.)
I'm crazy in love with this green and white one! I
love green! And, apparently, everybody is going green nowadays, so I guess I am, too.
ENJOY your clippies!!!