Okay, Ladies, I feel like it's my responsibility to men, women and children everywhere to make this special public service announcement. Now we're all entitled to our opinions, so this is mine: Enough with Vinyl Lettering & Fondant! I'm totally going to upset so many people here {I love you all!}, but sometimes you've just gotta take one for the team and I'm going for it!
You remember how bad the whole scrunchie-made-from-hair nightmare was/is?
This is right up there, folks. But don't get me started on hair right now...that's for later...
1.) Vinyl: Don't run out and buy those new fandangled vinyl lettering/cutting/pasting/crazy-fad-things just because they're, well, ALL OVER THE INTERNET IN EVERY SINGLE GIVEAWAY!!! Yes, they can do marvelous things with vinyl.....but AREN'T WE DONE WITH VINYL YET???!!! In every room of the house, do we HAVE to have vinyl something-or-other?!
Case in point:
...now I know that there are great ideas done with vinyl......
in moderation. But if you have any of the items above in your home, or ready to mass produce for all of your friend's birthdays, baby showers, Christmas gifts, or Just Because...THROW THEM AWAY and get yourself a
Pottery Barn Catalog to remind yourself why we don't need vinyl. Seriously. You won't find this crap in there because, well, it's crap.
2.) Fondant. ???!!! Where and how did this rage get started?! The Cake Boss on TLC?? Okay, here's the sad truth of the matter.....your homemade fondant-looking cakes aren't very cute because you're not a professional and fondant tastes NASTY. People don't want to peel away that nasty layer of Play Doh just to eat a piece of cake, anyway! Honestly, which one would YOU rather eat?!
...very hard work, mildly cute to look at...
...Looks like heaven, I want to dive in head-first?!
Case Closed. Don't waste any more precious time on fondant Play Doh skills.
Okay, let the firing squad begin. I can take it. I still stand by my beliefs!