So I'm sitting here feeling like I've been slit open in the abdomen, shoved full of man-eating piranhas, closed back up, and left to slowly bleed and die while little beasts devour my female-ness innerds bite by painful bite. ...and it's gray and cloudy outside...And I'm thinking to myself that this should be SO much more glamorous than uterus-eating piranhas...in the gray darkness...and then I was like, "how do you photograph a tampon?" {random, I know, but that's how genius strikes...}
Out of the several shots this nasty little bugger would give me, these were the best two and I'm so pleased. {the tampon was a little bit restless} ...And I added a few little sparkles because that's totally what it's like to be a girl - all sparkly and shiny and brightness, growing up like a blossoming flower. These are the things I have to think about so I don't go out and attack somebody right now.
Oh, and F.Y.I. ---if a photo is too big to view, you can usually click the control (command) key and the (-) minus key and that should shrink it down. Likewise, Ctrl and (+) will enlarge a photo.
That's up there with funniest posts I have ever seen (sorry I should comment more often...I love reading your blog, I've been a subscriber for a year or so...since the apron swap last year). Thanks for always making me smile!
That is so perfect! I had a Gay man friend once that always used to tell me, "I can't trust ANYTHING that bleeds for a week.....and lives!"
Don'tcha just LOVE being a girl? Hope you're feeling better soon.
You poor girl! Good luck with those piranhas. In the mean time, I'm glad you're laughing about it.
I love the photos. Could you email them that to me? brenbren13@ymail.com
You should sell those pictures or make lovely greeting cards out of them!!! They would sell loke hot cakes!!!
I always drown my sorrows in ice cream!
Who knew a tampon could look so glamorous?? :)
I feel your misery. Literally. As we speak. Great women have the same cycles....
hahaha! I should totally sell them, huh?! Hey, if you can't laugh at it then SOMETHIN'S wrong. I am going to make it my life's mission to make our "down there torment" as glamorous as possible!!!
My sentiments exactly...just a couple days earlier! Take care of yourself!
You never cease to make me laugh!! :)
A tampoon has never looked more lovely!!!!
Oh, dear - I hope you're feeling better soon! Love the photos, though - out of misery comes great art, right? :) ((hugs))
Super Absorbency never looked so good. Ha!
Very funny. Love the sparkles. Your blog is fantastic : )
Had to do a double take there. Sorry for your suffering...just be happy you have uterus...lost mine this past christmas...the uterus eating pirahnas were too much to take any more :)
Thanks for the giggles
You crack me up!!! If it makes you feel any better, I feel yucky too... but because #4 should be arriving ANY DAY and I'm at the miserable stage with AZ 100+ heat... AND my doc told me today that he won't be on call again until LABOR DAY (fitting, but is it a sign?)... which means he won't be delivering my baby unless I go several days over!
Hey Abby, this is Kristi H in Tucson! Ha, Ha, I just realized the common mistake I make... Labor day and Memorial day... I always confuse them. My doc isn't on call until Memorial Day.
The sparkles are a nice touch. :-) Sure miss you girl. What's your family's blog AGAIN!!! Why do I always lose that?
Feel better soon!
Love your new bangs. Super cute and fun for spring!
The flowers for hair clippies you made are so neat-o! I will be making some for my little Miss Priss!
And thanks for the menu thingy. That is way too handy!
Hugs, Les
Love your website! I just found it today (thanks to a friend) I also love your dinner ideas!
My friends and I just started a food blog - for easy, fast, family friendly dinners - you should check it out at
I am the achievement day leader in my ward for the 10-11 year old girls. They got on the "period" topic last week. I was sweating bullets....they even said " can you believe the school nurse showed us a diagram of how to use a tampon?" I was silent and sweating....
I love the pictures! I'm laughing!
Okay, here's something totally out of the trend with previous comments: drink an herbal tea made from equal parts red raspberry leaf and blessed thistle. If that's too bitter for you, then cut out the blessed thistle and add in comfrey leaf, alfalfa leaf, and a little spearmint or peppermint. (3 parts red raspberry leaf, 1 part comfrey leaf, 1 part alfalfa leaf, 1/4 part mint). Steep 1 t. per 8oz boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain and sweeten with honey, stevia, or agave nectar. (Please, no white/brown sugar. That works against what the tea does for you. ;o) Make up a half gallon at a time and drink it in two days.
Your cramps will nearly disappear after doing this for a while. Some women notice a big difference after just a couple weeks, others take a little longer. One thing is for sure, though--you'll notice a difference. That red raspberry is a specific uterine toner, and has lots of highly-assimilable natural calcium and potassium, which help eliminate cramping all together.
And now, back to a more "usual" comment . . . I totally understand the photo-fetish thing. lol I have my pet photos that I love, and I love taking them!
i think i love you because you're insane.
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