I read this on the "In the Motherhood" site today and laughed my brains out!!! Hilarious.
One Sunday morning, when my daughter was 4, I was reading the paper, she was coloring. Our pregnant cat was nearby. My daughter stopped and asked, "Mommy, how do you make kittens?" My mother, a child expert, had always told me that when a child asks a question they're ready for the answer, just make it age appropriate. I took a deep breath and said, "Well, you need a boy cat and girl cat and they sort of rub against each other a little. The girl gets pregnant and in a few weeks she has kittens." I was very proud of myself for coming up with a quick age apropriate answer. My daughter looked at me wide eyed, blinking. After a prolonged silence she finally said, "How do you DRAW kittens?"
{hahaha!} I would totally do that!!!
That is great! I totally assumed she meant making-making kittens, not drawing-making. XD
That is too funny! I love that site, it always gives me a good laugh :)
That is so cute..it made me laugh! I love what kids say as Mom's try to be the Mom! I love your squares below..cutest thing I've ever seen!!! I'm having a ...GIVE A WAY...on my blog, come say hi :D
That is just too funny! Kids create a lot of laughs don't they? I love those times!
I am a total blog-stalker, but I have to comment with MY story (totally true!):
I was working in the kitchen one day when my four-year-old son came up to me and said, "Mama, how do you make love?"
I FREAKED in my head for a minute. Where did he hear that? We don't even call it that! What on EARTH would I tell him?
Instead of explaining, like a good mom, I said... "What?!?"
He said, "Mama, how do you make lava?"
Whew. Crisis averted. Because although I totally believe in being pretty frank with my kids, I don't believe in being entirely frank with four-year-olds!
LOL! Cute
haha! I would do the same thing. Hilarious!
Thanks for the laugh!
Cutest pile o' kittens!
Annie from www.nofussfabulous.com
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