Hey all! So this is nothing new, people are doing this all over the place, so
Kadie and I figgered "WHY NOT?!" The more people who play along, the bigger the prize - so tell all of your friends to get over here and have some good, clean, healthy
FUN! You've got nothing to loose except jiggles!
{{Honestly...I deeply, deeply apologize, but the thought of another apron swap is staggering to me so this is my alternative answer to the apron swap requests - maybe in the Fall?}}
So you wanna look HOT just in time for summer and win some cash?!
So here's the nutshell -
*You and a hot pair of sweat pants
*Anybody can join - boys and girls alike
*$10.00 per person to play
*8 weeks
*Weight loss challenge-lose as much as you can in 8 weeks (see rules)
*Jackpot cash prize - winner takes all
(there's nothing like a crappy economy to inspire some weight loss, eh?!)
Sound interested? There are rules in place, so if you wanna play, read on!
OFFICIAL RULES: (may be changed or altered to best fit the needs and demands of anybody smarter than I am...or anybody really mean because the mafia scares me.)
SIGN-UP: March 23rd - March 30th
YOU CAN'T BE A SKINNY CHICK or DUDE. Sorry. You need to have a minimum of 10-15 pounds to lose. In case you're completely clueless and don't know if you've got extra baggage,
here is a site where you can configure your height/weight ratio to see if you can play along. (for the rest of us, the rolls and jiggles pretty much confirm our qualifications...) Oh yeah, and you can't be preggers, either. How 'convenient' if you were to go into labor during our little game here.
* You MUST email me your:
mailing address
email address
beginning weight AND height
"before" photoNOBODY will see this info except me and, frankly,
NOBODY CARES. It's necessary for me to determine the winner and if you've legitimately lost weight.
email address is:
featherednestfitness@yahoo.comYou'll also have to track your weekly weigh-ins on your own - details on that below.
Winner will be determined by percentage weight loss. This makes it fair for EVERYONE and you can have a shot at winning over your husband who can loose pounds just by walking to the mailbox.
You MUST play fair - no pill-popping, liposuction, starving yourself, false impersonation of a supermodel, cleanse rituals, voodoo, photo editing your face on Heidi Klum's body, or unhealthy dieting thing. You're on your honor here - ONLY
HEALTHY DIET AND EXERCISE methods allowed! If you're unsure of what that is, check
this website here for a start. (they're my fave!) The key here is HEALTHY.
* You MUST
pay your entry fee before your name is on the list. No cheaties! 100% of the entry fee will go to the jackpot - so work hard if you want some money! I have set up a separate Paypal account just for this competition - I'm NOT going to steal your money - it's all there waiting for you! If I get tons and tons of people, I'll break the jackpot up into groups so there's more of a chance to win.
featherednestfitness@yahoo.comSorry, only Paypal will be accepted here. If you need to go set up an account,
here is a link.
* You MUST use the
same scale to weigh yourself each week -
EVERY MONDAY. If you're fully dressed on your initial weigh-in, you must be fully dressed during all of your weigh-ins. (no suddenly gettin' nakey for the final weigh-in!) You're on your own to track your weekly progress because (I'm assuming) you're a grown-up and are capable of doing that, which leads me to the final rule:
* You MUST
track your weight loss and fitness progress. If you want to win the jackpot, I
need to see a WEEKLY LOG! Grab a pen and paper and get goin'!
I cannot allow you to win the jackpot without your log - VERY, VERY IMPORTANT.So what are you doing?! Go email me and join us!!!
**If you'd like to track your progress through your own blog, send me the link and I'll post it on the sidebar of my blog.