HOWEVER!...This recipe is a fun one and I hope everybody at least tries it. This isn't something I like to make on a regular basis, but my kids beg me for it all of the time! A friend of mine, who grew up in Mexico, lives down the road and we've fast become friends. She invited me over one day and showed me how she makes her Chicken Mole (Mo-Lay) and it was SO amazingly wonderful! The best new thing I'd ever tasted! And the best has CHOCOLATE in it! (I can hear you panting already!)
So here's what you'll need:
1 whole chicken, washed
Chicken stock ingredients: carrot, celery, onion, parsley, peppercorns, bullion cubes, and whatever else you use.
1 jar Mole (pictured below)
Semi-Sweet baking chocolate - about 4-6 oz. - maybe more if you like
Queso Fresco - it's a crumbly Mexican farmer's cheese you can get at most grocery stores - GOTTA have this.
(Sorry for the bad pictures - I took these before I got my good camera!)

For you squeamish girls out there - JUST DO IT! You won't die!

Strain your broth and pour about 5-6 cups of broth into a large, wide pan. With heat on medium-high, stir in the entire jar of mole, as well as about 4-6 oz. of the baking chocolate. My friend added a little brown sugar to her sauce, but I don't like it so much, so you decide if you want to or not - but she used about 1 T. of brown sugar.
(This is where it gets tedious) Bring mixture to a boil, turn heat down a little, and stir until mixture becomes thickened. Taste as you go - if you want more chocolate, add more chocolate. Just don't over-do it!

Your sauce should be a thick gravy.
In a large bowl, tear the cooked chicken into large chunks. Gradually pour your mole sauce and mix it into the chicken until you think there's enough.
Save the rest of your sauce either in the fridge or freeze it.

To serve, give everybody a little bowl of chicken and a plate with warm corn tortillas, queso fresco, and any other taco topping you enjoy like lettuce, tomato, sour cream, salsa, etc. I just like it plain with the chicken and crumbled cheese on a tortilla!
That sounds really interesting. I bet the Mexican in Matt would love it if I tried it. Thanks!
I stumbled upon your blog looking for another-and loved it! I am LDS too in NH- Thanks for the great posts! I am inspired-
Abby, this looks wonderful! Glad I saw this before my grocery store visit in the morning... I am making it tomorrow night! I'll let you know what we think...
...Oh, and I am a different Angela than the one 2 comments up. The one from Meridian, ID. I'm a regular visitor of this blog. I don't know why my little profile picture didn't show up... Oh yeah, it's because I'm logged in with my other password. Oh well. hehe.
Abby we were just in AZ and the Mexican food was to DIE for. I am glad you posted a great recipe so I can attempt to re-create a favorite. Thanks
It sounds so odd I'm just going to have to give it a try!
Okay - I KNOW I'm going to confuse the two Angela's, so you'll have to forgive me when I do!!!
This looks really good. I've always wanted to try chicken mole- I've just been looking for a decent recipe! Thanks!
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