Can you believe it?! I'm getting SO CLOSE!!!
Okay, so here's the down-low. I've been eyeing this tree for the past 2 years from the Pottery Barn (see first photo) - and I've wanted to do my own for so long. I want one made with my own hands for the kids to have year after year - so that's what I've set out to do - and I'm so happy that Kadie is doing this with me! She's making one for her family, too!
It is taking such a long time because I've got a busy family, but I had Kadie help me take pictures today for a 'stitch tutorial' so that some of you can get started even though I'm not completely done with mine yet.
SO...for the next hour or so, I'll be posting instructions on how to do the basics, you can get started on your own, and I can finish mine! Great?! Excellent!
{gasp!} I'm so excited I could pass out!
Oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh!!!
This is AWESOME! You're pockets look so great (what I can see)!
Congrats on your hard work!
I'm excited to see yours! My sister and I made a couple of those last year for a bazaar. Our copy of the tree wasn't as exact. It will be fun to see what your little felt creations will be on each pocket.
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! I have to do too!!! very very nice... love the each beautiful pocket!!!
Oh, I can't wait for the instructions to that little cutie pie!
O.k. Abby, I love your website!! I'll be checking here more often looking at all your craftiness, I am also a FABRIC FREAK!! I loved the stuff you have on here.
We just moved by to AZ after 10 years in Chicago and I sure miss the fall weather!
Anna Romney Marks
Looks amazing!! I so wish I could do this... I wonder if I could do it before Dec???
Drool Drool. Wish I was crafty or patient enough to pull this off. Looks great! :)
Drool Drool. Wish I was crafty or patient enough to pull this off. Looks great! :)
I can't wait for the instructions! This will make a great gift for my mom. Hers is so old that she doesn't use it anymore.
I am fighting the urge to go get supplies this very minute! I love it! Now if i can get my other project caught up so this is ready in time for the holidays. Awesome!
Wow, this looks extremely difficult and detailed. I can't wait to see it finished. It seems like something that will be an heirloom Christmas piece.
How fun is this! This reminds me of an advent calendar very similar to this that we had when I was a kid. My mom gave it to me when all the kids were gone but after the 6 kids when I grew up and then my crew of 6 the poor thing died several years ago. I keep meaning to make a new one but it's one of those things that has taken a back seat to soooo many other projects! One day I'll get to it, but probably by then my kids will all be grown and gone, but then there's always grandkids right?
Thanks for the inspiration! I can't wait to see the finished project, I'm sure it will be much cuter than the PB one! It already does!
I love love love it! Thanks for explaining your supplies so well for those of us who get confused! :)
Fantastic! It is adorable!
Oh my! This is sooooooo cute! I am definitely going to steal this idea!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Now I'm ashamed. I finally broke down and bought it this year. It is definitely cute, but I KNEW I could make one myself. I should have. Oh well, I'll just live vicariously through you.
oooo this is utterly gorgeous :) I wanna make one too....but it seems like a lot of work :p
OOH, I've been looking for directions on how to make an advent calendar from felt..I am SOO SO glad I found your blog!
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