It's coming along!!!
I'm spazzing out and I can't wait to show you this beauty! {aaak!} This has been my all-consuming project and if I were to put it away for even a day, odds are likely that it won't get finished. {some of you are nodding your heads...you can relate...}
So when Christmas comes around FAST like it always does every year, I won't feel guilty this time for letting time slip by me, I won't feel empty-handed for not creating something special this year, and I'll have DONE SOMETHING about my lack of hand-made holiday cute things! {gasp!}
And the best part of it is that I'll have something that will be beloved by my kids for years and years and years. and years.
...more to come soon! (and some instructions!)
Until then...I'm going to work on this baby and watch Conference today and relax. If you don't know what that is - you can read about it here. You don't have to be a member of our church to watch it online HERE or on TV - you just might actually enjoy it!!! It's so relaxing and full of good reminders on how to be better. Heaven knows I need that!
Hurry and get it done! I can't wait to see it.
Yes, Conference was awesome and refueling.
My favorite session was yesterday when I got to drive by myself through the leaves to pick up my Brittany and listen uninterupted! It was awesome! Love you project!
I just found your blog and I love it!!! I'm a stay at home mom to 4 kiddos and live in Michigan too. I spent conference yesterday making hair bows for my girls and I spent today crocheting the cutest little flowers...probably for hair clips too, but I haven't decided yet.
I have a parenting/craft/tips blog and I thought you might like to take a peek. I'm doing a hooded towel giveaway right now. Stop by and check it out.
I can't wait to see the instructions!!! So cute!
Those are so cute - can't wait to see more & how to do the designs! I may try some on a baby's 1st Christmas item for this year:)
yay for embroidery advent calendars!!! What you are doing is amazing and I cant wait to see the finished project!!!!
I'm spazzing out and wetting my pants at how cute that is going to be. :) Love your blog, we are possibly kindred spirits, prego, YW (not RS) pres and lover of DP. Only you get way more done than I do. This project is amazing!
Ok I need you to finish this because I want to make one but I need to know what it is- how hilarious is that! Its so great... I love anything with a nativity and I'd love your thoughts on how to do felt, because I want to, but I'm nervous!
I can't wait to see the finished product! It looks like an advent calendar?... great work!
Abby, I've lurked for a while, and love that you are so generous with your fantastic ideas. Please accept the "One Lovely Blog" award. Details on my blog at pickupsomecreativity.blogspot.com
Best Wishes!
Wow, that looks amazing! But I must say that in your introduction you say you do basic stuff that anyone can do...I couldn't do that! it's beautiful. And General Conference was great as always, it's always so good to hear from our leaders, good instruction and reminders :)
I can't wait to see what your finished project looks like! I've been wanting to make one for years, but am stumped everytime I sit down to design it. Thanks for your creative genius!
Thanks guys! Hey now - to those of you who think this looks complicated, IT'S NOT! That's why I'm doing it! It's shapes and stitching-nothing hard. It's just time-consuming, that's all. Can't wait to finish!!!
I have never heard of conference . I am going to go check it out . Thank you .Kristin
I can't wait to see what your making! It looks adorable...
Just found your blog on Delightful Blogs and am delighted with it's cute craft projects. Thanks for sharing!
what kind of felt are you using? i never know where to get felt. Is it just the small squares that a person can buy at a fabric/craft store?
I am DYING to know what this is! Please please please give a hint!
I hope you're making an advent calendar, because I REALLY want to make one and I haven't seen anything I like... I love everything you make, so I'm pretty excited to see this!
Hi! I stumbled upon your site while googling apron patterns! Your site is adorable and I've saved it in my fav's! I had to comment on this advent calander because I am doing the exact same thing! I haven't started it but I bought all the materials last year after seeing it in pottery barn's magazine and though to myself, that is sooo cute but too expensive for me, I think I could make one though. Looked simple enough. I just got a kick out of seeing you doing one too because of what you saw. Maybe I'll be brave and post a pic of mine when, if, I get it done! good luck, can't wait to see your finished product!! love your site!! Carre
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