So there I was, loading my 3-year-old into his car seat after a brief interlude at the park. (it's GORGEOUS outside today, by the way.) I noticed that the miniature sticky hand my boy got from a quarter machine a few days ago was stuck to the side of his car seat so I peeled it off and tried to toss it. No-can-do. I tried again...and again...and again...and again...shaking my hand even harder now...still not coming off...getting frustrated now....can't get it off my it's stuck to the other this point I'm shaking my hands like a mad freak trying to get rid of the blasted sticky thing stuck to my fingers! NOW I totally feel like a 2-year-old and surely a grown woman is smarter than a sticky hand?!
With a little ambition and sweat, I finally got it off. Geeze - what was THAT all about?! Too bad there wasn't a video camera running!
And then last night, on my way home from my son's football practice, I see a friend whom I recently called, and like a silly girl, I roll down my window...(she is wondering why I'm rolling down my window with a big smile on my face) and I shouted out "HI! I left you a message earlier!" The poor, confused girl shouts out, looking very concerned, "Are you sure?" It was then that I realized, with a line of cars behind me, that I have NO idea who this girl is. oopsie. I just waved and floored it in my car. I was laughing and my older two kids had their faces buried in their hands - SO embarrassed of their insane mother!
ANYONE ELSE?! I want to hear about your special video camera moments!
A most terrifying (VERY GLAD IT WASN'T CAUGHT ON VIDEO) moment was when I lost control of a giant grocery cart (with plastic kids' car attached to the front) at the wholesale club. I was crossing the street to the parking lot and lost control. I had one child (or two??) in the front and a NEWBORN in a carseat on the top and the cart was overflowing with food and Christmas presents.
I almost hit a car that had stopped to let me cross the street. I did a 180 in front of it and came within one foot of hitting their car.
I. Wanted. To. Die. Right. There.
HAHAHa--those were AWESOME, Abby! I'm sooooo laughing outloud. But now I have to be fair and come up with a crack up story to tell. Lera's had me laughing, too.
Ok...what to share, what to share. I'm going to have to think about it, but I promise I'll post something.
I am laughing at this...I can't think of any video moments but love your story!
hmm... we got some sticky hands at the fair last night. I will be sure to not touch them!
I have been lurking on your cute blog for awhile now and I am not sure why I picked today to introduce myself. Maybe it was because I love it when people share their "video camera" moments, because I have far too many of them:) This one is one I will never forget-even though there wasn't a video camera, that I am aware of anyway!
OK-I was about 7-8 months pregnant and I had to fill my car up with gas. I pulled into the pump area nice and close-my driver side door was right up next to the cement pole next to the pump. But, no worries-I was able to squeeze myself out of the car and fill it up with gas successfully-even making faces at my three year old in the back seat while we waited. Now, when it came time to put my pregnant self back in the car, for some reason, it wasn't happening. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't make myself small enough to fit back in the car. So, I had to climb back in through the front passenger side-now, if we had a nice big SUV, or family van, that might not be such a problem, but we have a cozy little sedan type car that squeezes in our three children, so...climb in, I must. I proceeded to sit on the passengers seat (of course there was no passenger in it-thank goodness!!) and lift my legs one by one over the console, over the shift and into the drivers seat-all the while my 3 year old asking, "What are you doing Mama, how come you are doing that?" It got really bad when I had to actually figure out how to lift my pregnant torso over into my seat. The entire time I was hoping that the quiet gas station would stay that way and that the security cameras weren't working that day.
I love these! All I could think of was a moment a few years ago. We were having a picnic on the side of our apartment building with some of our best friends and neighbors. I had a 2 month old baby and he was sitting on a blanket with my husband. I got up for some reason, don't remember why. Anyway, when I came back I sat down next to my hubby and moved closer to him. That is when he said, "Whoa!" Oh my goodness, it wasn't my husband! My husband had gone to check on our other children and a neighbor had sat down in his place. I never even noticed! I don't think I have ever turned so red in my life. We all laughed about it, but I was ready to go right after that. My poor hubby!
These are AWESOME! haha! I've totally done the wrong husband thing, too! I almost grabbed someone else's rear-end! Good fun...
My kids and I got into the wrong car(a Suburban). It looked just like ours, but the looks on my kids faces told me somthing was wrong. We got out as fast as we could and walked(ran)to our car. My kids still remember and laugh about it. Who needs a video camera if your kids are there.
Thanks for all the laughs ladies.
Hmmm...I have so many. Which should I share? I'll share the one I was just laughing about today.
My husband and I took our three kids at the time to Schnepf's Farm down here in Arizona in the Fall a couple of years ago. We had just gotten off the hayride and it was getting dark. As I discussed what we were going to do next with my husband, I looked up to see my two year old wandering in front of the tractor that had been pulling the hayride along and was still running. I had visions of the driver suddenly jumping back on and not seeing my daughter in harm's way, so I suddenly started bolting over to her to "save" her. Unfortunately, I have terrible night vision and didn't see the short fence that was between her and myself. I ran full force into that fence as my husband watched in disbelief. My clothes were all ripped up and I my knee was all scraped up. My husband didn't even laugh--I would have. I just sat there bent over and yelled to my husband, "Go get her!" And I don't think there was much danger to my kid either, just a paranoid mother. He saw no danger whatsoever and just stared at me dumbfounded.
My moments are either like your wave at the wrong person moments or they involve bugs. Usually bees. I am terrified of bees and wasps. But they love me. This summer I was sitting outside at a restaurant in TX and the bees were hovering around me. So of course I panic. I flair. I squeel. I wave my menu around like a crazy woman. I stand up and wave my cloth napkin like I am surrendering my ship or something. People stare. I try to point out the bees. That of course no one but me can see because they only ever hover around me. I don't even wear any scents of any kind. I'd like to say this is a rare event but it seriously happens several times a month during the summer. And yet I am just as spastic and embarrassing each and every time!!
Just happened upon your blog and can't believe you're from Thatcher! My GGGGpa was Samuel Claridge and he was patriarch there when Pres. Kimball was a boy. We had a reunion in Mesa about 12 years ago and one day we drove around Thatcher for a bit. My husband's gma, (maiden name: Allred) is also a Thatcher girl. fun. I enjoyed your post about the nature walk. It's funny how kids enjoy this so much and yet we tend to spoil them with toys.
Happy mommy-ing!
We were walking our dogs late in the evening. Our neighbors had been out of town and there was something in their yard. Chloe (off the leash) bolted to attack the 'thing.' As she goes running and barking her head off I realize that it isn't real. Our neighbors had bought a concrete pig made out and put it in their yard! Chloe HIT that thing so hard they BOTH fell over. Chloe weighed 23 pounds, the pig weighed 85 pounds. I laughed so hard, I almost wet my pants. Chloe was fine but she almost killed that pig. I SWEAR we would have won 10,000 bucks if we had had that on tape!
Popped over here from Jenni's blog. Just had to say how funny that was! I HATE moments like that. But, we all have them! I just conveniently block them out of my memory.
I've been a lurker for a litte and am also from AZ. I decided to de-lurk for this post!
When I was pregnant w/ my first child my husband and I popped into Spencer's (a store we never go into, but were buying a gag gift- a rubber chicken!) and we saw this weird game with handles. We both grab one and squeeze. Why, I don't know. The last person to squeeze gets shocked! I was the last person and it both surprised and scared me so much that I landed flat on my back, big belly and all! (after hitting a display rack!) Ouch!
(at Disneyland my mom pinched what she thought was my dad's rearend while he was bending over. Nope, it was some random lady. It terrified that poor lady, she took running w/ her stroller! I SO wish there was a camera there for that!)
Haha that's like the other day when my bf's dad touched my butt and I spun around like "why would you do that?!" and then I see this cookie wrapper in his hand..he said "This was stuck to you" I was like uhm *embarressment* "I guess you are what you eat eh? heh." and he didn't laugh..but it was funny
and also one time at a holiday get together my female cousin brought who new boyfriend whom looks EXACTLY like my other male cousins from the back and side. So, I am greeting everyone and all of the sudden I go into the computer room and there my cousin sits on there (or so I thought) I go up to him "Hi Hunny how have you been?" in the most bubbly voice ever and then give him a big smootch on the cheek and hug..then i look at him after he looks at me and woah...that's not my cousin...
so it all happens to us, and it's hilarious (glad I'm not the only one!!) Perhaps the girl you said that to just laughed about it, I bet she's did it...
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