Anyway - I took a picture of the hydrangea blooms right outside my front door yesterday. They're SO big, beautiful, and perfect! I would cut them all off and bring them inside to grace my table but I like how they splash color in my flower beds - so I'll leave them alone for a while.

(Also, I was goofing off with my camera and took these shots with the hood over my lens. Since the flowers were in a shady part, the hood helped block out light, which made everything around the flower darker. Cool trick, eh?!)
I took the kids for a walk yesterday and took a few pics along the way. Amazing beauty all around us - how cool!
And WHY do I like this garden mushroom thingie? I don't know, but I absolutely love it!!! I keep waiting for little gnomes to peek out from behind, wearing something bright and colorful!

This gigantic spruce tree is SO big - I had to share this photo. My kids are on the bottom left of this picture (sorry it's so bright). I couldn't fit the entire tree in the picture, nor did I feel like scooting backwards any further into this woman's yard in order to get the top of the tree - but you get the idea. It's HUGE! I love these giant spruces. The kids are a little freaked out because I told them that giant trolls live inside, waiting for someone to get close enough...

Mr. Robin stopped by on our walk to say hello.
And...at any moment, Mr. Rogers is going to pop out of his house wearing his "outdoor" sweater and shoes and wave a merry 'hello' to us! Ahh - that would be the perfect ending to our perfect neighborhood walk! What a day!