Hi Everyone!!! You still out there?! Hey - this is progress - I have a few minutes to myself right now to do some posts {gasp} and I actually did some baking this weekend! {aaahh!} Day by day I'm getting my life back after baby - so this is good!
I hope you all enjoyed Mother's Day. Whether you're a mother or not, you have a mother and I'm hoping you have some happy memories of her! For my Mother's Day, I baked all day Saturday - 2 loaves of bread for French toast, a batch of cinnamon rolls (photo over there of my babies rising), and chocolate chip cookies!! {good thing I'm trying to loose weight...} My kids made the most adorable cards and hand-made gifts, they showered me with hugs and kisses, and we went to church together while my Love Nugget slept all day since he had to work all night. Poor guy.
Sad that I live so far away from my mom - but we did get to talk later in the evening. I just LOVE my mom! She's incredibly amazing. {Mommy-cakes, I hope you don't mind me posting you on here, but you're so darn cute that I have to share you!}

This is my gorgeous mom, Emma, and she taught me everything I know! She has experienced so many ups and downs in life and has never once lost her faith or showed any fear. Mom made my childhood so much fun - and mostly homemade! She taught me the art of 'keeping it simple' and 'you don't have to be perfect'. She made simple dresses and homemade dolls for me, a tee pee for my brother and I, and a quilt with fabric scrap buildings and roads for my brother to drive his cars on. (Mom, I need a picture of that - it's SO cool!) When my son thought he was a super hero, Mom whipped out a simple cape for him that is one of the most beloved items in our dress-up collection. Between the two of us, we can figure out how to create just about anything! {and we can solve all of life's problems over chocolate and the telephone, too! AMAZING.}
Mom is the best Grandma EVER. {a.k.a. "Grammy-Cakes} My kids can't get enough of her and since she's still such a youngster, she can keep up with them, too! I often wish I had the energy that my mom has.
I could go on - but I don't want to embarrass my cute mom too much. Here's to hoping that EVERYBODY has as great of a mother as I do! Love ya, Momsies!