Okay, I KNOW it's not Spring yet, but I'm bored with winter already. January through April is always so hard for me and the one thing that keeps me sane is color and cocoa.
So I was at the Pottery Barn Outlet yesterday and couldn't resist these yummy, bright, happy napkins for a
dollar! Lately I've been craving bright, spring colors like it's chocolate - so you can understand my joy when I found these gems. You
CAN buy happiness and in my case, it only cost $1.00. Now I want to go back and get the rest of what's left because these can quickly be made into easy aprons and I can put them in my birthday gift stash! These would make a great winter get-together gift, too. Have the girls over for mint tea and cookies and send them home with one of these! (you can buy happiness
AND friends...that works out nicely, eh?!)
I made my waistband using
this tutorial I posted a while back. The only thing I did different was sew a 45-degree angle at the ends to make them pointy.

Do you ever get holes in the bottom of your shirt? I do - especially if I'm doing dishes, my shirt gets wet, and I rub up against the counters working. I have to wear an apron when I do dishes or else I get holes in my shirts! (I'm pretty sure my dish soap is innocent)

Ah! I could wear this every day! Maybe the colors will get me through this gray, drab winter! And I'm sure it could be jazzed up a little more, but I wanted to keep this simple since this is intended to be worn and washed a lot.
(sorry if this is a bit blurry - it's kind of hard to focus the lens when you're taking your own picture!)