
Check Her OUT!

I was checkin' out my favorite Etsy shops this morning because....well....I don't have energy to exercise, I don't have desire to clean the house, I don't have motivation to shower...so what else is there to do? Scour Etsy.

This girl is freakin' RAD!!! (her shop is Calexandra) I love how gutsy she is with her bright style and huge pieces!!! (and she has gorgeous red hair...or her model does...) She's got some smaller items in her shop, but I LOVE all of it!!! Can you imagine how FUN it would be to wear some of this stuff out to the grocery store??? Or to playgroup???!!! {gasp!} How funny it would be to walk into the quiet library with that big, bright, pink headband on and watch people turn and look at your head!!

(honestly, folks, I think I've been cooped up WAY too long in a winter blah and now that it's spring I'm freaking-out-excited.)

One thing's for sure...if you've got a "cleavage problem", that felt flower necklace will take care of it. No peekin' down that baby.

I think my favorite piece is the poppy necklace- I think it's beautiful and I'd wear it every day with bright red shoes.

I think this girl has inspired me! Maybe I won't sit on my rear all day - maybe I'll actually do something.....



  1. ha ha brilliant post, you are hilarious! Thankyou so much for posting these pics they items are so beautiful.

  2. I have looked at her etsy site and I LOVE it all!

  3. I have seen her etsy site and I LOVE it all!

  4. I think you should start a trend - ultra dressed up for the grocery store! You could have people take pictures and post them on your blog. Way better than the nasty sweats brigade!

  5. oh my gosh. I went to her shop after seeing your post. Did you SEE THE NECK CUFF!? Pure gorgeousness........I would wear that sucker in a heartbeat if I was 50 years old. I'd look like a hooch now.

  6. Oh, wouldn't that poppy necklace look great with a simple black dress!

  7. Love this post for a number of reasons! For one, the items are amazing! And two, I'm a lover of redheads ~ my mom, my husband, my daugher ~ all reds :) :)


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