
...Still Not Awake Yet...

There are good days and bad days - today is a good day because I have (maybe) 10 minutes to myself in which I should be taking a shower...but I have come to appreciate and develop the art of not showering and making it seem like I'm not disgusting. It's a skill...

Anyway...I get on the internet every now and then and I came across Martha's new book. {gasp!!} I normally wouldn't promote her because I think she's evil, but she sure puts out some great instructions and I think I have to have this book! Since I'm not in the mood to make anything myself, maybe if I look at what someone else makes, I'll get excited.

THEN...I got the Down East Basics summer catalog in the mail yesterday and just about wet my pants when I saw this dress. I NEED IT! Unfortunately, I'm not going to resemble a skinny little toothpick like she does, but who cares?! It's so heavenly! (my shape currently resembles a plump butternut squash!)

In the meantime, I'm going to continue to try to get out of this fog that I live in, play with this little angel baby, and enjoy every minute because she's getting bigger by the second!


  1. Your little angel baby is GORGEOUS!! What a beautiful sweet girl!

  2. Awwwww she is so beautiful!! I want one! I am sure you do not look like a butternut squash! You are gorgeous too!

  3. She is so cute!!! What a sweetheart!

    I love that dress too. It's so pretty! Gotta love DEB.

  4. Your baby is absolutely beautiful! And I can't wait until you get more free time to show us your crafting mojo! But you are doing what is most important right now.

  5. She is so gorgeous. She looks just like you!


  6. That is a beautiful dress and that baby is too cute!

  7. I just noticed you "I make people" on your side bar...made me laugh! Your baby has the cutest face, what a little doll! I agree with you about Martha Stewart...evil insides! LOL Come say hi :D

  8. Abby,

    She is SO gorgeous, I can't even TAKE it! God bless her.

  9. You must not post any more photos of your gorgeous little baby - you are making me oh so broody and I already have 3! ooohh she is sooooo sweet! It has always been a wonder to me how you can love someone so much who wakes you ever few hours in the night!

  10. I have to agree with the other comments...she is a gorgeous little girl! Enjoy her. Mine is 2.5 and I have NO IDEA how that happened!

  11. Someone just bought me that book for a baby shower gift! I'm hoping to find the motivation somewhere in these last 10 weeks of pregnancy to dive into one of her projects. So far the book looks fabulous!

  12. I am singing your praises over at my little spot. Thank you for all the great ideas, I love your blog.

    P.S. very cute baby!

  13. I love your blog! I have a 4 month old baby girl too (after 2 boys). I've got to get a cute pic of her like this one of your beautiful daughter. You're inspiring me to capture her adorableness while I can! Also, thanks for the Down East Basics referral. I didn't know about them until your post and their line looks REALLY cute. I'm sure to make a purchase today.

  14. Angel baby is right!!! Heavenly. :o)

  15. she is so lovely. Totally worth being shaped like a butternut squash right now.

  16. Okay. It has been a very long time since I have said hello, but I wanted to say congratulations!!! She is a beauty (the baby...and the dress...but mostly your baby). I still check in from time to time because I love all the beautiful stuff you find. I hope you get a shower today!

  17. Your precious little angel baby is GORGEOUS!!!!

  18. Oh, my! She is such a cutie pie!

    I just reserved Martha's book at my library following your recommendation. Looks like a good book. I might not be able to return it, ;) just kidding.

  19. When I was in Utah last week I was looking at a little set up that Down East had in the BYU store. I found the cutiest dress but then I was super disappointed when I touched it. The fabric was way too thin and it felt like poor quality. Everything else looked good though! Have you ever bought anything from them? I love their style so maybe I'll just have to give them a try.

  20. Wow. She's amazing. Absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations.


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