There are two things I absolutely CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT right now. My baby is very gassy and has had a rough time with it. She would like to sleep more and fuss less, but her little body is just making her too uncomfortable. SO...my life-saving, sanity-saving solutions:
1.) my Moby Wrap. (mine is a scrumptious orange and it makes me happy all the way through my tired body!)
Seriously - she sleeps so well in this thing! I'm able to do what I need to do without stopping and fussing with her, and let's be honest - I get to snuggle her as much as I want!!! It's the BEST!!! (especially if I have to go out shopping...no screaming baby tantrums...)
Too bad I'm not getting paid to endorse these things, eh?! But who cares...I have to pass on the info in case it can help some poor mom from going to the Nut House!

It looks completely nasty but I'm not kidding, the minute I gave my screaming Brooke a half-dose of the drops, she quieted down and fell asleep within minutes! After a few days of giving her the drops off and on, her little digestive system started working better and she's seems so much more content. These drops are worth every penny - and I just ordered my 2nd bottle of it since I'm running low. LOVE IT!!!
Additionally, it DOES wash out of clothing if baby spits it up, you just have to stain-treat clothing first and then wash. I've had no issues so far when I pre-treat with Shout or something similar.
So there you have it. Two magical things every new mom NEEDS TO HAVE.
You are so sweet for sharing, thanks for the tips, although I don't have babies myself, these things are just so useful to know (in advance!)
I have a Moby wrap. Mine's boring navy. I used it a ton with my last kiddo. Maybe I'll have to order a pretty color before this next one comes along in June. Good to know about those drops too. My first baby was FUSSY- could have used them. Baby #2 was a breeze. We'll see what Baby #3 has in store for me.
PS More baby pics PLEASE!!! I wanna see that sweet girl in all those cute things you made for her.
Good ideas here..I'll pass them on to my daughter..thanks! Come say hi :D
Delurking - Hello from North Dakota. Sooooo with you on the babywearing. Best thing ever. I have a Sleepy Wrap in orange also. Had a green one but gave it to my sis so that I could justify getting a new one. Congratulations! My last is Brooklyn and we had an awful time naming her as well. Took a week at least and even now at a year, I still question it. Love your ideas! Glad to see that RS presez can be so real!
I so wish I had read this when my little one had colic, it is a nightmare isn't it. So glad your little one is now more settled.
Oh wow - nothing worse than colic. My son, now seven months, had it bad. Wish we had discovered this! We ended up on prescription gas drops which also made a world of difference - so if Colic Calm ever lets you down - ask the doc.
Your baby girl is absolutely precious and I've really enjoyed your blog with all the cutesy projects. You are uber talented, she is so lucky & blessed to have you as a mom!
My wrap (made me own--super easy!) has been a life-saver with my 4th as well. She spent probably 85% of her time in it the first few months. I still use it (at 7 months) for when I go walking so I don't have to push the double stroller. I love it!
Oh heavens! What a week, congrats on finding help!
I just have to say that after your last post I would never ever believe such a perfect baby could be fussy! She is so beautiful!
now I'm kicking myself for not buying those drops. I read about them and thought about it but didn't and I'm sure they could have helped my gassy baby. Oh well, I know for the next one! Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks! I'm getting one of those slings (a different brand tho)....YAY, Can't wait! Enjoy your little one!
Oh my a colic baby. Finley was a crying baby but not from colic (other issues) but it is trying on a sleep deprived momma. So happy you found something that works for you. Also don't cha love the wraps. I too love the orange colors that are out, but Abby as a friend I am going to advise you...
if you are still carring her around when she is 18 months like the above picture I will head on over and unwrap you. Hope all is going well. PS I need an invite once again to your home blog. Comp. problems.
BTW DArling little angel.
I know it isn't Kosher with common pediatric right now, but my son was super gassy too because he took in so much air while he ate as he was born with a cleft lip. Let Baby sleep on her belly. As long as there is a thick blanket under her it will absorb any spit up and will let her get the gas out while lying down. Hope it gets better!
Colic Calm was a miracle product in our home, too! None of the drugstore gripe waters did anything for us, but Colic Calm was a MIRACLE. I swear she stopped crying instantly, and was asleep in 5 minutes. The studd was worth EVERY penny!
**That word SHOULD have been "stuff" instead of "studd." I was afraid it wouldn't come out of her clothes, but it came out every time!
Oh, I wished for Colic Calm years ago...there's nothing like having a colicky baby and no one that understands it like a mom who has been through it!
Come on over for some mom inspiration and encouragement -- and another new idea!
You need to see the baby slings made by Rosa Pomar. They are so beautiful and cute! Here: http://retrosaria.rosapomar.com/collections/baby-slings
Colic Calm is the BEST thing next to sliced bread. I had the same experience with it. I never would have believed something could give such relief in a matter of a minute, but there I was, watching it happen right before my eyes. Great blog!
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