{AAAKKK!!!} It's done, girls! Can you believe it?! I can't even see from the tears!!! {...give me a minute to compose myself...} I really feel like I've given birth to something here - all of the creation process, time, and patience has resulted in a 3-month ordeal!!! {if only real childbirth were this easy.}
I think I'm going to stitch some snowflakes on the tree, and maybe something cute on the star - but I'm in no hurry! It's up and hanging and I can always add the details whenever I want!
It's gorgeous, perfect, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I almost feel like it needs a name and social security number. AND...how am I going to put this away when Christmas is over?! Guess it has to hang in my bedroom because you just don't treat a living, breathing, beautiful thing like that.
And here are some pics of my beautiful Peppermint Tree! Another thing that occupied so much of my time at the beginning of the month - but it has to be done right! You don't MESS with the tree...

This precious little box with the slit in the top is our "mailbox" where the kids can put notes in there for each other! It's become one of our traditions and I love it because it makes them think and look for good things to write about their siblings! {ingenious, I know...}
I LOVE Christmas time!!!
Absolutely beautiful - the tree and the advent calendar.
Gorgeous! I've wanted to make an advent just like this for years and now that I see your finished product I think I might just tackle it...after Christmas is over :)
Great advent calendar. Love the detail.
It is gorgeous! All of it ! The tree the calendar and you totally deserve all the praise for such a hard work you've done!!!!!
I love how you describe your calendar... a name and social security number ;)
That little box is also a fab idea!!
Well done.
way to go - that advent calendar is adorable!
You did a marvelous job! I love every single little detail!!!
Absolutely beautiful! I love all the little touches.
I think you should just use it every month and not take it down for a year. I LOVE IT!
That is gorgeous!!! I love it! I can barely sew a button on.. And, seriously, of all the Christmas trees I've seen in my life, this has got to be my FAVORITE. Is it okay if I "borrow" this peppermint concept for my future Christmas tree?? :D
Wonderful! You should be so proud.....the detail is amazing!
Your calendar and your tree look wonderful!
That calendar looks fabulous! It belongs in a catalogue.
Seeing it in person it is even more stunning, if that is possible! The picture just doesn't convey how big it is. I just love,love, love it! It makes me so giddy to finish mine!
It turned out great! I'm so excited for you. Your tree is beautiful too!
just found your blog today.... SOMEBODY SHOOT ME!!! I. Can't. Stop. Reading. It. you crack me up!!!!!
Congrats on finishing! It is absolutely beautiful. I will try, one day, to make some of your squares, small baby steps, by hand as I don't have or know how to use a sewing machine, but I am so inpired by what you've created! It certainly needs and deserves a place of honor! Your peppermint tree is so jolly and festive. Love it! And the box for kind comments is a great idea! Blessings to you and yours, Tammy
Like everyone else, I'm so impressed with the craftmanship (craftwomanship?) and the attention to detail. Love that!
I also really love the style of the numbers under each square. I have a thing for fonts. And the shoebox with nice things to say *is* ingenious, as is the peppermint tree.
Well done and congratulations!
Awww - THANKS, girls! I can't believe how nice you are!
You are right! It is absolutely perfect!! I love your peppermint tree too. Well done!
Jennifer :)
Way to go girl!!! And it is so very cute..I'd atleast give it a name! The tree is really cute too! Enjoy these wonderful days..come say hi :D
Beautiful job! What a feeling of accomplishment you must have! Love your tree and decorations! They're gorgeous!
Absolutely FABULOUS and Gorgeous. What a piece of art that was made with so much love!
Abby, your calendar is amazing! I'm just curious as to what you will put in the pockets? Ours has fun things to do each day, will you share you plans? Thanks!
Super cute! What are you using to put in the little pockets?
Oh that is so cute! It turned out so darling, I bet your kids are loving it! And P.S. your tree is beautiful too! Nice job!
Congratulations, Abby! The advent calendar is totally charming in every detail. Your tree and decorations are lush and celebrate how joyful this season is. You not only have amazing taste, but you execute it perfectly, too. Merry Christmas, keep blogging!
Thanks, again, everyone! And to whomever asked about my peppermint tree - I would LOVE it if you did your own just like it - and I want to see pictures!!! The more peppermint trees out there, the better! SO yummy!
You guys rock!
So beautiful. One day I'll make enough time to complete one of these, too! Its inspiring!
I just stumbled upon your blog, while simultaneously blogging about my own finished advent tree! But yours SERIOUSLY puts mine to shame! What a beautiful finished product! Now that I know about you, I hope you don't mind if I stop by now and again... my nest could always use another feather!
SOOOOO Fabulous!!!
Bravo Bravo Bravo - Absolutely darling!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!
You did SUCH a beautiful job! You should be SO PROUD! Next year, if actually start in July, maybe I'll have a pretty Advent calender too - compliments of your lovely tutorial. And your tree? Simply Stunning! Merry Christmas!!!
Congratulations! The Advent Calendar came out absolutely delightful! Excellent job! I may just take the plunge one of these days too. Merry Christmas, and thank you for sharing with us.
I love reading your blog! I've posted it under things I like to read on mine. If that's not okay, please let me know! [:
WONDERFUL! And the box, what a great idea!
Are you going to do a tutorial on the advent christmas tree?
It's gorgeous and I think I need one!
This blows the Pottery Barn tree right out of the water. I"m going to make these for my kids before next Christmas. Thank you sooo much for the close up pics of your squares, your stitch guide, everything!
I'm so excited to get started!!
That calendar is SO amazing!! TONS of work and beautiful!
WOW!!! when I made the picture bigger so I could see all the little pictures on the tree, I noticed the fabric angel on the shelf. Did you make that or buy that? Would you do a tutorial sometime if you made it? Please? :)
p.s. Love your site!
You sound just like me-- I've been eyeing the advent tree for years in PB Kids and have thought many times-- I could make this! I did a random search and came across your blog and now I can't wait to get started.
I just wanted to know what the dimensions of your tree were-- your squares are 3 1/2 x 4-- how did you create the actual tree? Did you free hand the pattern? I'm really familiar with felt and blanket-stitching kind of stuff-- but it's the actual tree pattern that has me concerned. Would you mind letting me know how you worked yours out? brooklinhealy at yahoo.com
thank you-- and GREAT work on your tree!!
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