
Belize - Part 1

SO much has been going on…and I'm giddy to share some of it with you!!  :)  
As you know, I have this life-sustaining need to see my BFF at least once a year, although I would prefer it to be more than that - like, every day.  {remember this post?  Yeah, I get pretty desperate.} Anyhoo…we decided that Belize would be a cool place to meet up, so we did it!  And it was AMAZING!!!  
(Cue the music: "Reunited and it feels so good…")

Here is just a {small} sampling of photos…you can imagine how many pictures I have.  Somewhere in the 1,200 range…but who's counting?!

Snorkeling on the world's 2nd largest barrier reef…INCREDIBLE!!  

A Belizian Wal-Mart

Monday was laundry day - ALL OVER the country!  I loved it!

I asked this beautiful woman if I could take her picture and after giggling and blushing, she told me I could!  These people are so good - probably my favorite part about Belize.

Kadie and I couldn't resist this cute mama chicken and her chicks!

A croc along Monkey River.  Yikes!  Cool and creepy at the same time...

Even the dogs are laid-back here!!!

Another thing I loved was that the people in Belize are very humble - they don't have much of anything, but they all make the best of what they have.  This is such a great example of making what you have into something beautiful.  :)

A Howler Monkey, but they didn't howl for us.  This little guy took a leak in those leaves, though!

um…eww.  Good thing this little spider friend was up high - if I accidentally walked through this web, I don't think I would have ever recovered.  

We loved the beautiful mango trees everywhere!!

Mayan ruins - so beautiful!!

If only we could have turned back time just for a moment to see how the Mayans utilized these buildings, passageways, and courtyards.  Of course, historians have put together models and samples of how they used these structures, but to actually SEE them would be super fun!  And maybe disturbing.

My Love Nugget and I.  He's pretty amazing.

Of course, I had to bring a bunch home - they're SO beautiful!!!

It was SO much fun seeing dozens of these little hermit crabs scuttling around!!!  I'm a little embarassed at how enamored I was with them….I think it bothered them.

We hiked down into a creek with a raging waterfall.  We didn't know that the rainforest in Belize had pine trees.  {hmmm}  

Jungle tour & cave tubing - SO much fun!!  We loved our guide -

 Mayan face painting using river rocks

 Delicious termites!!!  NO, really - we ate them.  Our guide told us they tasted like "meenty cadot" (minty carrot) - and they DID, INDEED, taste like minty carrots.  Who knew?!  

ahhh….breakfast on the beach.  Amazing.

I could go on, and on, and on - it was truly one of the most magical weeks of my life.  
And who better to spend it with?!  My Love Nugget and BFF!!!  Honestly…talk about BEST-case scenario!!!

More to come later….I've got a whole set of Belizian botanicals!  
Bye for now!!

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