
Two New Books

"I'm in LOVE, I'm in LOVE and I don't care who knows it!!!"  --Buddy the Elf ....again...

For whatever reason, I've become obsessed with stitching.  It's SO beautiful and I'm finding that the things I treasure the most are hand-made.  Last year while making my beloved Advent Tree, I fell in love with stitching because it's easy, simple, mess-free, and has the potential to last through the years when done tastefully.  {meaning, it's not a fad like vinyl! haha...}

HENCE my two newest treasures, or should I say eye candy!!!

Claire Youngs and Alicia Paulson have opened the floodgates for me!

Just a peek into Clare's Book.  I am absolutely bewitched with the Scandanavian culture, colors, and handiwork.  This book captured it beautifully and I can't wait to make something from in here.

LOVE this...

...and these stockings...

...loook at the reindeer!!!

And Alicia's Book:


...can you imagine making beautiful pillowcases like that???!!!  Alicia shows you how!!!

...and check out what I saw on her blog...

...oh...my...gosh...I think my 'peppermint tree' might have to  have a facelift this Christmas.  Especially since I have a baby in the  house - she can't break these ornaments.  Absolutely DARLING!!!

WOW.  I have no words.  I got both of my books from Amazon - great prices and they came quickly!  Go snatch yourself one of each!!


  1. I'm getting more and more into hand sewing and I'm so excited about this blog post! I'm getting those books now, and I'm sure everything in my house will eventually be covered with stitching! =) Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. Your post has made me want both of these books....and to take up a new hobby:) Thanks for the gorgeous inspiration! Can't wait to see what you make first!!

  3. Stop posting such cute stuff! I'm still working on my advent calendar from last year and I cannot be sidetracked. But those ornaments...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think I might have to make those ornaments too! I'm shooting for a more handmade/homespun Christmas this year. We'll see how close I get.

  6. I just ordered the Walk in the Woods set after seeing this. I wanted to do all 3, but $75 for 9 ornaments seemed a little crazy. I can see paying $25 once a year for something so special, but I couldn't swallow the $75 pill. I'm glad she offered the Walk in the Woods again because it is just gorgeous.

    I love stitching, too, although I haven't been crafting at all lately. I still need to finish my Advent Tree from last year. Before Christmas. I know, I know. It's ridiculous that I haven't yet, but that's just the truth. :)

  7. Oh, I've seen the Scandinavian one and would love to get it. Everything looks beautiful!

  8. I love Scandinavian designs as well and always thought it was due to my Norwegian heritage. But I think it's more than that really.

  9. I ordered these from Amazon! Got them over the weekend! I can't wait to sit down with them!!! :)

  10. Catching up on my reading list. I just saw these books and I think I need them. Many of the crafts in there look like they would be perfect on my tree! Yummy! Thanks for sharing.


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