
Snugly Nest Blankie without Ruffleness

I made another one last night whilst watching my fave show! (American Idol, yes, I'm an AI nerd and I'm proud of it...and by the way I was NOT impressed last night except for the music director guy who went last...he rocked.)

Anyhoo-I think I like these without the ruffle border better. I like the cleaner line. NOW my brain is going nuts (not used to that...it's a little weird and painful) and my next one of these is going to have a flap-type design where you can fold the top half down and button it on the sides - or something like that. I can only think in spurts...so give me a day or two to work through my frailties. And I'm still lovin' these DELISH colors! I want to marry it. Them. The colors. Olive, Fiesta, and Abby.

And, Chanda, I agree - I TOTALLY want to, no, have to see a baby in one of these so you better believe that I'm going to scour the streets and shopping plazas today to see if someone will let me bring their baby home so I can photog it! I'll bring the baby right back...I just wanna BORROW it for a minute or two. Geeze. Why do people get all "nervous" about that? Okay, my baby is THREE, almost FOUR...it's not like I can stuff him in one of these. Some of us have to get babies the HARD way...and it's called BORROWING.

'kay - back to work. I love you! (and I mean that in the most appropriate way.)


  1. i agree. this one is cuter than the ruffle one.

    if i had a baby you could borrow it.

    I have some teenagers that you can have. lol

  2. I think I like both equally. And I have a couple of chihuahuas who would fit nicely in there, but no babies! :)

  3. If you make me one, I'll take a picture of my baby in it and send it to you! How does that sound?

  4. That is too cute. Wish I had seen that about 6 months ago! I'd have knitted one for my little bambino. I don't think he would stay still long enough now to be snuggled into one, much less photographed in it.

  5. really like them both. I kind of like it better without the ruffle. I think it is a really GREAT idea for a baby shower (since I will not have a need for them until I have grandchildren). Hey Lindsey, if you get pregnant in the next year, I will be more than happy to make two or three of them for you.

  6. Hilarious post and adorable blanket idea. I've never seen these.

  7. Drooling! Imagining some really precious pictures! You are so talented. And productive. All I do while watching AI is critique them all. :)

  8. I found your site through a friend. It is incredibly crafty and creative. I am very much enjoying your ideas. I love all the links to other sites you have. What a gold mine of references!

    I don't even know if this would be possible, but...wouldn't it be cool if there was a way for a strap to be added? I am not sure that the strap (over the head and shoulder) would ever be trusted to really hold the baby by itself, but it would give some added coordination when holding the baby.

    Anyway, I am going to commission someone to make one of these for me. I have no skills in this area.

  9. I'd let you borrow my babes if we lived close enough. Great blankie!

  10. Love it! 'Cept I guess that I'm in the minority when I say that I like the ruffled one better. Unless it was for a boy, that is. Very cute! And I love the colors too.

    I agree with Gina---it would be fun with a strap, worn like a sling.

  11. A Lady's Life
    I really like this nesting idea.
    Baby would be very cozy in there. :)


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