
Cooking 101- Italian Lentil Soup

Okay, so since I've now experienced my HUNDREDTH cold during this winter season, it's time to celebrate an old fave of mine which has been my loving comfort during the past few days. I made a big pot of this soup and it's made my misery so much more bearable!

SERIOUSLY?! Can a person have a new cold once every 2 weeks?! I've always prided myself on my killer immune system and my excellent hand-washing skills, but come on! This is getting absurd!

Anyway...Here's the recipe I've had up for a while - heavenly, comforting, delishy lentil soup. Don't knock it 'till you try it - I'd much rather have this right now than chicken noodle. (unless, of course, it's that heavenly stuff from Bob Evans.)

And if I haven't sold you on lentils yet, check out this website! I feel healthier already! (except for that giant bag of M&M's I ate yesterday...I'm not feeling too healthy about that...)


  1. I had lentils for the first time a few months ago and have thought about trying to make them. Thanks for the recipe. I'll give it a try soon.

  2. I'm sure that the lentil soup is fantastic, but.... I am home with the stomach bug and that doesn't sound like what I might need right now. LOL....
    thanks for sharing though. I will have to store for next week when I am all better and back to my old self.
    Oh, and by the way this is the 2nd stomach bug I have had this year already. What is the deal!?!

  3. thanks for the recipe -- it looks awesome!

  4. The soup looks yummy!
    I have never cooked lentils before, weird I know.... I need to give it a try though because they sure look good!

  5. I am going to try this lentil soup. It sounds good. I stumbled acrossed your blog last week. I love it. You have some great ideas. I have to tell you, that I moved to Thatcher, AZ 5 years ago. And I love it here. However, I do live in Central, AZ now. Maybe some day you will move back to Thatcher and will be able to share some of your talents with us. Oh by the way, it is sunny and warm here today. :)

  6. I made the soup for lunch and even my very-fussy-about-everything-new on-the-plate girl liked it..
    Thank`s and love your blog!!

  7. I hope your feeling better. My girls and husband have had colds for what seems like weeks now. It is a miracle that I haven't gotten sick also.

  8. That soup looks sooo Yummy!!

    I'm so glad I finally found your blog again. I deleted all my blogs last Nov and had to start over;( It's been a lot of work tracking my favorite bloggers down.

    I was looking for a tutorial you did on binding tape and how to sew it, the easy way:). I can't seem to find it on your blog.

    Anyway...glad to be back! Are you doing another Apron Swap? I would love to participate if you are.

  9. I enjoyed stopping by & will be back!

  10. This soup was wonderful, full of veggies and great fiber, my family loved it. We try to do a few meatless meals each week and this is one recipe we are adding to our collection. Love your site, hope you are feeling better ~ keep the Vitamin C & D near by!! Thank you!

  11. I tried this soup for dinner last night & it was delicious. We ended up having friends for dinner & all 3 of the kids enjoyed it, one had 3 bowls! WOW! Thanks so much for all of your great posts!

  12. I made this tonight and it was a hit. My husband added chicken to his, my father-in-law added sausage to his & I ate mine plain. Very tasty! We ate it with French bread.

    Note: I used mini bow-tie pasta from Barilla instead of using brown rice or macaroni.

  13. I am a big fan of lentils too! I hear that it wards off aging:) I will try this recipe. Thanks! Twyla


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