
Simple Inside-Out Baby Blanket

This blanket is just as easy as the "Simple Baby Blanket" I posted a while back. It may even be easier!

Start with 2 pieces of fabric, right sides together. Smooth them out and pin them together.

Something to keep in mind: I didn't realize that this particular fuzzy pink fleece works sort of like Velcro on the wrong side! I had a hard time working with the blanket once I had it all smoothed out and stitched together! It ended up working out okay in the end, but I'm just warning you! This would have been a good time to tie the blanket like a quilt with ties all throughout, but of course I didn't do that. Too complicated! Press forward, baby. That's what I say.

Starting about half-way down one side, stitch all the way around the blanket, leaving a large enough opening to turn the blanket right-side-out.

Trim the edges close to the stitching so you don't have bulk.

Now turn the blanket out!

Make sure you make your corners nice and sharp. I use scissors but there are fancy tools out there you could use. Be careful with fleece like this, though - you can puncture it very easily!

Something that I do to make the corner-sharpening easier is to put my scissors inside the blanket and then get my hand in the blanket to hold the scissors in order to work those corners.

Being careful not to MELT the fleece, iron the cotton surface all the way around the blanket, making your edges nice and sharp.

Now it's time to stitch. Because I'm a simple girl, I don't hand-stitch my opening closed. I pin the opening together nicely and then stitch as close to the edge as possible all the way around the blanket. And because I don't have a fancy "double needle" feature on my machine, I stitch once again around the blanket, using the previous stitching as my guide.

That's it - you could do a bunch of these at one time and keep them in your stockpile!

**Also, the onesie is done by stitching a square on the front about 1/4" from the edges. When it's washed, the square will fray on the edges, creating a "shabby" look.
**Here is the link to the burpie instructions


  1. You make me give into my fabric obsession! seriously, I have so many friends with babies on the way. I love all your ideas, they are so simple and unique.

  2. I seriously love the combination of fabric you chose. Very classy!

  3. So cute! I just found out a friend is expecting her first, and my sister is pregnant with her second, so I know I will be able to use this idea in the coming months!

  4. What about when you wash it and the two pieces because they aren't sewn together in the middle detach from each other? Do you have a problem with this or is it just me? I would love to know.

  5. Hey Penny -

    You can tie or sew the middle if you want. I've made several of these blankets and it's not a big deal if you don't sew the middle. The fabric doesn't stay tight like it would if it were secured throughout, but because it's so small, you really don't have to do that step if you don't want.

  6. Super adorable! I used to use scissors until I snagged an extra set of chopsticks one night from my favorite noodle place. Very high-tech, I know!

  7. Hi...I'm new to your blog and love it...I just had to comment. I love your creativity. I like to think I am a crafty person and I go in spurts. You have inspired me to get my sewing machine and crochet hook out. I made some burp cloths for a baby shower last weekend and everyone was raving about them, now everyone in my ward is putting in request and hints as to wanting some for their babies. I'm off to Joann's to make this simple baby blanket to also adorn the burp cloths. Keep inspiring us!

  8. I love your idea. If you rounded your corners you wouldn't have a problem turning the corners..just sayin! You have such cute ideas and so much fun. Anyone would love getting any of these creations.

  9. I just made a baby gift set, all from your tutorials. This blanket, the onesie and burpies to match. I'll have to e-mail you the pics. I love your tutorials!


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