
Projects coming along

Although winter is SO much easier for me than ever before, living in Southern Arizona, I'm a little bit giddy that January is half over.  I don't really know why, either - I don't want time to hurry past me, but it seems like Spring and Summer have so much in store and I'm looking forward to it.

In the meantime, I saved some beautiful summer floral photos from last August and finally decided to edit a few of them and  make some photo art.  We were camping along the New Mexico/Arizona border with some family and I saw these teeny, tiny coral blooms.  They are probably weeds, but I thought they were gorgeous so I started zooming in and snapping.  You can't see how tiny the coral buds are since I blew up the photo so big, but the full bloom is smaller than a dime. 

I absolutely LOVE this print and someday, when I have larger walls to work with, I'll frame it.  In the meantime, I had it printed on foam core and used some Command adhesive to stick it up and it makes me SO happy!!  Beauty is all around us.

**  If you want a copy of this file, email me and let me know and I'll send it to you.  I can also send a blank photo and you can add your own text.  :)  **

 And....is there anything better than a sandwich on homemade bread?!  Well, probably so, but since I try not to eat bread very often, this was a rare moment that needed to be captured.  My kids LOVE it when I make homemade bread - I really should do it more often.

My newest venture - oil painting.  {what???!!!}   I've ALWAYS wanted to learn how to do it, so I signed up for a class here at our local community college.  I LOVE the instructor, she's so incredibly talented and fun to work with, and I'm having such a good time learning how to work with this type of painting style.  

If there's ever something you want to learn how to do, chances are that there is someone who can teach you.  You just have to make it happen.  It's hard to do when life gets so busy, but learning how to do something new is a skill that you'll have forever.

Also....I didn't buy the best paints out there, but these are working just fine for a beginner.

 And the good news....I finally found the outlining color for my sunburst squares.  {GASP!!!}  Do you know how long I've been huting for this color?!  I found it at Hobby Lobby - and it's the perfect color I had envisioned for this project.  I love you, Hobby Lobby!!!  I wanted something ultramarine - not blue, not turquoise, not seafoam - do you know how hard that is to find?!  Well, for me it's hard because I'm 2-3 hours away from civilization.  But there it was....patiently waiting for me.  It was meant to be.

I'm at my half-way mark, I have a LOT to go, but it's happening slowly but surely.  It's my treat if I get my work done at the end of the day!  What a nerd.  I can't wait to show you this blanket when it's finished.  It will be one of few projects that I will have actually finished.

Maybe I have gotten myself in a mess here, but I can't help myself.  I love to create.  
Happy Creating to all of you!!


  1. Beautiful projects! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I LOOOOOVE those colors!!! what colors(names) did you choose and what pattern are you using? Its my guilty pleasure at night...calms the mind :)

  3. Tabatha - I'm using Lion Brand Vanna's Choice yarns in Linen, Goldfish, Sweet Pea, Charcoal Grey, and Lamb. The outline color is "I Love This Yarn" brand in Glacier. The pattern link is the post just below this one - the Sunburst Granny Square on Nitty Bits - scroll down on my blog page and I have a link on there for you. Super fun!!!

  4. Awesome!!! just found it! Thx :) the last color glacier seals your colors together perfectly! cant wait to see the finished product.


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