

Okay, so have any of you ever been just standing there, minding your own business, with a baby on your hip, and then quickly bend over and pick up the millionth thing the baby dropped - ONLY TO BE GRIPPED WITH THE MOST EXCRUCIATING PAIN EVER AND DROP TO YOUR KNEES IN AGONY (screaming like a little girl) ?!  That happened to me 2 days ago and I'm still crippled!  Obviously I pulled something in my lower back and MY GOODNESS!!!  It hurts so bad - I can't do anything - I'm just an invalid. My poor family.

Needless to say, I'm grateful for good medication, my helpful children, and my loving husband.  I haven't been able to finish out the June Photo Challenge, and I'm not beating myself up about it.  I've already hurt myself enough - hahaaaa!

SO...I'm kickin' back, hoping that my back gets better soon and until then, I'll  be checking out the Flickr group looking at all of your photos.  This has been SO much fun to see what everyone is doing!!!


  1. Sorry Abby- that is WAY no fun! Hope you get feeling better soon.

  2. So sorry that you hurt your back. Rest and get well. :)

  3. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  4. So so sorry you hurt your back! I hope you are feeling better and will be back to your normal activities soon! Meanwhile, I hope you are getting waited on hand and foot. Thank you so much for the Photo Challenge. I've enjoyed it so much!

  5. Have you been to a chiropractor? I've done the same thing to my back on a few occasions. (Almost always happens when I'm lifting a kid or bending over while holding a kid).
    Seeing a chiropractor is what really got me back on my feet and functioning again a lot faster. If you've never done chiropractic before, ask around for recommendations, then go at least 3 times before you decide if it's making a difference for you or not. With a big injury like that you'll need to go in twice a week at first.

  6. Oh, that's so bad. Get well pretty soon. :)

  7. Just wanted to say thanks so much for hosting the photo challenge. It was a lot of fun getting to make blog friends. Get better soon!

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon. I notice you are from the Thatcher-Safford area. My great, great grandfather Christopher Layton was one of the first Stake President's in the area. Are you by chance related to the Layton's, Phillips, or Russell's? I have wanted to visit the new temple and hopefully that will happen some day. My family on the Standage side settled Mesa. Who knows, maybe we are some distant relative.

  9. Awww--thanks, Ladies!!! I think it's all better now - just a little stiff in the mornings! haha.

    Laurie - NO WAY!!! My great-great-grandfather is Christopher Layton! We are totally related! Honestly - who isn't related to that wonderful man?! I have his book and I've read it a few times - I'm so grateful for the heritage he gave us. SO fun to find another cousin! (We're from the Christopher & Septima Sims Layton line - Harry & Emma Layton - then my grandmother Nadine Layton Martin.)

  10. I just came across your blog via pinterest (and a couple more steps) and love this photo challenge! I wish I had known about it back in June... thinking I'll probably start this in July now (since there are 30 days left as of today).

    Thanks for the inspiration & will be watching for future photo fun things! :)

  11. Get your hands on the book Pain Free by Pete Egoscue! It will help! I promise!!!


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