
It's hard being busy...

(...just kidding - I know there are much busier people than I am---but time is indeed a precious commodity of which I seem to run out of quickly.)

HEY EVERYONE!!!  I feel like it's all I can do to keep up with everything going on lately, so I apologize for being so absent.  I feel like I'm constantly trying to squeeze in my exercise with the bazillion other things going on.

So how are my Fitness Challengers doing?!  I hope you're all doing better than I am - I'm only down 7 pounds total and I finally got real serious at the beginning of March.  {eeek!}  Needless to say...I'm not planning on winning the challenge, but it has helped with the motivation.  WE'RE ALMOST DONE!!!  Only 22 more days left to go - this will be exciting!!!  

Something that has kept me motivated is this picture of my ADORABLE skirt that I made 2 or 3 summers ago.  (sad that I can't remember when I made it---the last 2 years have been a fog)  It is my goal to fit into this skirt at some point this summer, which would mean that I would need to loose about 20-30 pounds.  {gasp!!!}  It's doable, but going to take some work, which I'm finally ready for.

I keep this skirt and these {adorable} jeans hanging on the front of my closet door to remind me "you can do it!"  and "just think how cute these are going to be on you!"  I sometimes wish my skinny clothes would talk louder because it just doesn't sink in some days.

Let's see...other random, unimportant stuff:

Check out this gorgeous specimen!!!  
I got it at the Pottery Barn Outlet...we had candlelight with our dinner last night and the kids LOVED it!!!  How am I going to survive when I don't live near the Outlets?  {I love you, Pottery Barn...}  I also purchased the larger one (below) - I have yet to fill it with something fun.  I'm thinking about putting a little spring scene in it - but that'll have to wait.  I am excited, however, to use it during the summer nights with candles!!!  

Time fillers that have kept me busy:  Along with SIX other projects going on, I've  had to keep up with my entire reorganization of the visiting teaching routes - THAT was a job!!  I also attempted to read a book for heaven's sake.  This book is way overdue at the library and I'm barely on page 35?!  I'm just going to return it and try it again some other time.

And, as usual, my days are filled with this little precious...

LOTS of this...I have to be right with her every second...and if I walk away, she becomes very disagreeable. {eww! gross!}

Oh, and she loves ink pens. ???  Fantastic.  What's with pens, anyway?  It's all I can do to keep them hidden.  She MUST have one in her hands at all times....maybe she's going to be a writer?  

Aaaaand now I get to go clean up her mess that she created whilst I was typing this entry.  Fantastic!   
(I thought I closed that bathroom door....wrong-o.)

Precious thing.  Notice (above) the crayon/pen thing she's holding.  She's trying to color on that piece of paper.  Cute---if only that is the only thing she's going to try to color on.  Looks like I've got a problem brewing...

Have a great day!!!  


  1. She is precious. Good luck with exercising! I seem to do it in spurts. We've been praying for Japan as well.

  2. That is too funny about your little girl. It's just a stage...

    Good thoughts on the clothes. I need the little reminders too. I need to hang the outfit I want to get into right on my bedroom door so I see it everyday. We all have one of those outfits, don't we?

    Great find at the outlet. The way you staged it on your table is beautiful! So cute!

  3. Thank you so much for being open and honest about your desire to lose some inches to fit into your adorable skirt! I, too, have 20-30 pounds to lose and am trying every single day to make better food and exercise choices. I look forward to watching and sharing our progress! Lisa

  4. My little girl loves pens too! And she's recently learned how to get the caps off. She wrote all over my legs during church a few weeks ago.

  5. That's ok. I jumped in the shower for like 3min and opened the bathroom door to find that my 2yr old son had dumped an ENTIRE BOX of frosted mini wheats in on the floor. He would eat one, then pick a few up one at a time and put them back in the box before eating another one off the floor. It was kinda funny :)

  6. Your little one is so adorable! Oh the little grumpy face - it is so cute and heartbreaking, too! Thanks for being so open about your fitness/weight challenges - it inspires me and it's so good to see women admitting they didn't bounce back to their high school size post-pregnancy! (I'm not the only one?!?)

  7. Those pictures are so funny. I love the one where she's crying with food in her mouth.

  8. Love the facts you included about bees, I didn't know some of them, and I'll be writing down some of those Irish quotes. I'm still with you in the fitness challenge, I'm down 14, but I'm hoping to lose another 6 in the next ten days to get it to a nice even number. I'm still wondering how everyone else is doing..good luck with the remaining days in the challenge.


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