
She's Why I'm Tired...

Don't let the face fool you.

Although adorable, this little girl is the reason behind all of my tired, fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, apathy, joy, sudden outbursts of tears, and whatever else seems to be wrong with me right now.  I'm crazy about her, though.  So what's a girl to do?!  Deal with it, I guess.  This, too, shall pass.

Until then...I'm in 'survival' mode until school starts.  CAN'T WAIT!!!
(she hates cereal, by the way.  she prefers ice cream.  fantastic.)


  1. OMG!! she is so cute. FWIW, I have twin boys and can totally relate. Weight gain, fatigue, mood swings: all of the above. LOVE the post.

  2. She is BEAUTIFUL! Um, yeah can you blame her for hating cereal and wanting Ice Cream.

  3. What an absolute doll, especially with those eyes from her Mama!

    I have three kids {18, 7 and 4} and have been where you are and sometimes still am. But, then I see the wonder of those kiddos and get emotional and thankful, even though I might be exasperated again within 5 minutes. I can't tell you some magical thing that will cure what ails you, but I can tell you that you are not alone.

    I began blogging and opened an Etsy shop about 3months ago, and I have to say that this new "job" and interaction with others has helped how I view "my" world.

    We must always remember, Life is Great! Best wishes...and you're right, this, too, shall pass!

  4. She's BEAUTIFUL!
    Hang in there Mama!!

  5. Gorgeous! Hang in there - the first year is always a foggy one.

  6. I am right with you sister. My 7 month old does the same to me. She also hates cereal. I guess I shouldn't have given her ice cream as her first food.

  7. Hang in there. We all have those moments, or weeks, or months...Well, my baby is 20 months and I'm still waiting for it to be "normal". But I love your blog, your attitude and your enthusiasm. Take care of you.

  8. She sounds pretty normal to me! Have you ever tasted cereal? YUK!

    She's a darling little thing!

  9. Abby, I had a colicky (is that a word?) baby a few years back. I image I know somewhat of what you're going through. Just know there are th se of us who understand, and are praying for you, girl! Love your blog btw! Amy

  10. Look at those baby blues!!! (I mean her gorgeous eyes :-).

  11. It will pass! I keep saying that to myself everyday also. I have an 8 month old that won't sleep through the night or take a bottle. Hang in there, and know there's someone out there that feels your pain ;)

  12. Well, you are not alone. I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old and feel all of the above...except that my baby isn't eating solids yet so no issues with cereal and ice cream. Although I may have some issues with ice cream that doesn't help the weight at all. She is a cutie and they always smile to make you feel better.

  13. What a beauty!
    I hear ya Abby.
    I can't type, eat (only pass by cookies and candy- mmmm the vision of healthy eating I am) sit with the family at a resturaunt, use the restroom, shower, sleep in my own bed, properly clean my home, trim my waistline-butt-thighs.......
    My 4 month old does, however, allow me to pace, nurse, have large quantities of hair yanked out, contort in amazing I-need-to-reach-this-while-holding-the-baby positions, and clean large volumes of poop off a variety of adorable baby clothing.
    ...and we can cry together quite well.
    ahhhhhhh, there is nothing like pacing and loving a screaming baby at 3am in your fat pants. LOL
    It is crazy, hard, beautiful, filling, draining, and everything in between.
    ---Hugs---- What an amazing journey.

  14. My 2nd is 9 months now and we're getting better every day, more sleep, more schedule, better naps, easier to entertain. . .hang in there, better is just around the bend.

  15. She's beautiful!

    And if I were her, I'd take ice cream over cereal anyday... :)

  16. I am dealing with all of the above as well due to my 3rd born, a 9 mo. girl. Love your post! We're all in this together!

  17. well, my #3 is 9 weeks old - and i started taking zoloft 5 weeks ago. i felt bad for having such a hard time! but i'm glad i got help. now i'm having a regular hard time. in fact i'm still in my jammies. at least my kids aren't, right? and i brushed my teeth, so things are moving in the right direction. at least their are lots of us all in the same boat together!

  18. I came upon this blog through the apron tutorial. This is a beautiful blog with wonderful photos and tutorials. As for you being tired, if a baby isn't enough to do it, being Relief Society Prez is! All will be well.

  19. I could NOT resist those blue eyes and long lashes either! Smart baby to love icecream over cereal:) Love your blog tons!!!!

  20. i found your blog from another sight. you have great ideas! I am planning on making the christmas tree advent calendar but i am so bad at figuring out the size. could you tell me the height of the tree and the width at the widest part cross the bottom? Thank you so much! ps your baby is beautiful. hope you are feeling better soon.

  21. Hey Abby, you know what...her face is so angelic and perfect that she seriously resembles a porcelain doll....she is gorgeous and worth every minute of it....remember one day we will wish are arms were full again!!!

  22. I laughed so hard at your 'have to be touching' comment in the above post. My 3rd, 8 mo. old is 100 percent that way. And I am so with you on the longing to craft/do anything for my home/family (knowing, of course, that that time will get her). I had a huge dose of ppd after my sweet boy, and have to say that getting help when you've exhausted your resources is so worth it. I was so against going to the doc. for help (internally, mind you. Outwardly I was totally ok with it). After seriously just a DAY of taking Celexa (a common anti-depressant) I felt so much better. I hadn't realized how buried I had become - and I count it inspiration that the blessed things were invented. I don't mean to say drugs are the answer, I just remember looking around after a few weeks of feeling better, and realizing the impact my depression had on all around me...not a pretty sight. I wished I'd been less adverse to trying it in the first place! Whatever it is that you do, I hope you feel yourself again soon, and I love that self! PS my RS was such a support to me - use em'!

  23. OMG shes gorgeous!!!!!!! Beautiful eyes!!!!


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