Lots of cute pics to come soon...until then, I'm going to take a nap.
STILL HERE...just tired...
Hi Girls!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the nice words and comments!!! I love you all!!! Things are going great with the new little one except for the fact that I only average about 4 hours of sleep per 24-hours. NOT COOL, baby.
She's Here!
FINALLY. I thought it would never happen, but our little baby girl is here and we're all SO IN LOVE!!!!
AND...after so much agonizing, fretting, changing my mind, and finally making a decision, we named this baby. HONESTLY...why does it have to be so hard?! Every name I had picked out just wasn't working on her and we just had to go with a name that my Love Nugget and I both liked simultaneously. SO...she is:
Brooke Emma Welker
February 11th * 1:15 p.m.
7 lbs. 4 oz. 19 in.
*Emma is my mom's name - both of my girls are each named after a grandmother now. {GASP!} HOW precious.*
I think it's funny that Brooke was the LEAST popular pick from all of you! Good thing I follow my own drummer, eh? Labor and delivery couldn't have gone better. I'm not going to say that it's easy, but comparatively, I had a very simple, easy ordeal.
PERFECT! Now I get to snuggle with this tiny little thing and I'm loving every minute of it!!! {She's so small - her nugget head is like the size of an orange!}
Now...if we can avoid the ever-annoying baby acne, I'll be ecstatic! I can't wait to take some great photos of her!
Oh, and thanks to everyone for playing "Name That Baby" with me! That was so much fun!!! I loved hearing everybody's ideas!!! Very cool.
Hey Girls! Here's some fabric info for those of you who were asking.
This batch of heaven came from Z & S Fabrics during one of their sales. If you sign up to receive emails, you'll know when they're marking things down. I got all of mine for 20% off! Scroll over to "Fabric by Manufacturer" and click "Free Spirit" - from there all of these can be found.
#1 on top: "Nicey Jane" in cream by Heather Bailey, Free Spirit
#2: (can't see this one very well but it's beautiful with orange poppies all over) "Dolce" in orange by Tanya Whelan, Free Spirit
#3: (the green one) "Nicey Jane" in green by Heather Bailey, Free Spirit
#4: (yellow) "Dance With Me" by Jennifer Paganelli, Free Spirit
#5: (turquoise) "Flower Power" by Jennifer Paganelli, Free Spirit
The cute bumpy, dotted fabric from my baby blankets came from Jo-Ann's. (there were some asking about that fabric, too)
More great fabric places:
JCaroline Fabrics - I usually get most of my stuff from here.
**Also, may I add that sewing PETRIFIES me, scares me to death, and makes me crazy. {cringe} Thanks for the nice comments, though. You're all way too kind! Honestly, though, I stick to easy projects. The things I sew are very basic because I have the hardest time following those darn pattern instructions. The only way I was able to tackle that dress is from lots and lots of practice, tears, ruined projects, and high blood pressure. haha!
Like I always say, if I can do it, anybody can! {if you really knew me, you would understand how right I am. Kadie, tell them what an idiot I am!} And if you're nervous or unsure, find a friend who can help you out - it's amazing how many people would be willing to help you if you ask.
Baby Love!
"I'm in LOVE, I'm in LOVE, and I don't care who knows it!"--Buddy the Elf
I've been busy lately, to say the least. I found this vintage pattern at J0Ann's and the white cotton dress with embroidery caught my attention. I want to do an embroidered dress like that to match my cute booties! {aaak!} I'm dying from the cuteness!
So I bought the pattern, came home, and started my 'practice' dress and now that I have it figured out, I can make the white one without swearing up a storm. Sewing patterns are NOT fun for me and I have to go really slow...but CHECK IT OUT! I'm so in love with this little dress.
(the fabric is Sandi Henderson's Farmer's Market...love it...yumm)
I've been making other stuff, too. Baby bibs, simple blankies, and even a little baby bling! I got the bib pattern from "Made by Petchy" and I tweaked it a little bit because I didn't like the perfectly round shape of it - and I love them! Now my child will have something pretty to barf all over!
Wellll, I think I've got enough crap for this baby!!! Maybe not. You can never have too many cute things, right?!
Until the big day, I'll stay busy and LOOK at what came in the mail!!! (last picture below) MORE yummy fabric!!! I screamed out loud when it came! I'm such a nerd!!! What else shall I make?!!!