
I Cut my Hair!

No, seriously - I came home from the gym yesterday and felt a hair crisis coming on...so I grabbed some scissors! Ahhh!!! What an idiot! But I love my bangs - I'm not gonna lie. (um...and my roots are NOT that dark...I think Photoshop is messing with us.) I think I need a beautician fix 'em up a little bit - but otherwise I feel even more springy! Now I think I have more confidence to start up mine and Kadie's "Hot Moms Trackball League." Let's be honest - with cute hair, more people are willing to listen to what you have to say...

(**For those who know me, every Spring I do something seriously drastic with my hair. Last year I chopped it all off, this year I vowed not to do that because I want to grow it out. The only thing left to cut were bangs. Hair is grown to be cut, right?)


  1. You are too cute!! I love the bangs. Excellent job!

  2. Came across your blog the other day and love it! Thanks for all the great ideas and I love those bangs too!

  3. Oh so cute! Of course, I believe you would probably be cute with any haircut. The bangs are great.

  4. Very cute, the bangs look great. You have me wanting to give them a try!

  5. I think they look cute.

  6. Looks great. I just got the the world's worst haircut - feeling MAJOR depressed about it. Can't wait for it to grow out. I'm loving the flipped layers on you!!!

  7. The bangs are cute. Now you need a photo with one of your cute flowers in your hair! Great tuitorial!

  8. the bangs are adorable......and the flippy end are soooo springy to me !

  9. LOVE it! I do something drastic to mine seasonally too.

  10. Looks great! I would have done a horrible job on myself with a pair of scissors.

  11. Looks cute, must be one more talent that you have!

  12. I love the bangs! My 12 yr old daughter got bangs about a month ago, she had never had them before so it was a really big change for her. I am debating wether to get them or not myself, I'm just a big chicken, haha!

  13. I AM a hair stylist and I think those things look great.

    Plus, I love your whole darn blog.

  14. LOVE the bangs. I'm feeling inspired to cut my own hair, but I think it would be better if I called my hairdresser instead. I'm SOOO impressed with your scissor skills, but I'm thinking that I'd probably mess that up...


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