
Apron Swap Anyone?

What better way to ring in Spring than to have a new, hand made apron? This is such a fun thing to do because you get to buy and sew cute fabric, AND you're going to get to know someone wonderful you never knew - so come join in the fun! Read the criteria below and then email me if you're interested. (click on my email link on sidebar to the right)

Also, your aprons do NOT need to be fancy or frilly. Just be sure to throw in your personality and create something you'd love for yourself.

So here are the rules:

1.) Apron needs to have a "Spring" theme - standard adult sized
2.) Apron needs at least 1 pocket - can be a half apron or full, you decide
3.) Apron MUST be hand-made, whether you purchase a hand-made one or do it yourself
4.) Don't forget to pre-wash all fabric before you sew
5.) Aprons MUST be in the mail by March 4th (one month from next Monday)
6.) Include a funny story about yourself or something special about you, and a recipe

Anything else you want to add is up to you. Email me your name, address, and blog if you have one and anything else you need your partner to know about like if you HATE the color pink or things like that. I'll put a list together and you will not have the same person who has your name, so it will all be a surprise.

Tell EVERYONE you know because the more, the better!

I'll have a finished list one week from today - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH.

Apron photos above are from Anthropologie. For great ideas, check out my Aprons links to help inspire your creativity.


  1. Can it be a fairly simply pattern? I'm not that fancy or skilled but I'm thinking I might participate? What do you say???

  2. oops, I wanted to click the email follow-up button!

  3. It doesn't have to be fancy - just homemade! I think the joy in all of this is that each apron will be individual and I want this to be more about getting to know someone rather than making something fancy.

    So make the apron as simple as you want, but something you'd also like to wear. As long as it's made by your hands, that's the beauty of it!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I SEW want to do this... I'm going to go look for the fabric I already bought LAST YEAR to make my own. It's VERY springy (oranges).

  6. I'd love to join! I have lots and lots of spring fabrics...pink florals, green and white prints. This will be fun. Thank you!

  7. This sounds Like a ton of fun . I am in.. I guess I will be sending you and email soon with my info.
    Thanks for hosting this...

  8. I have an Apron that I would like to put in this swap!! I didn't make it but my friends mom did and it is so cute! I think you will be happy to know that I found DARLING fabric at Wal-mart tonight and I am going to make it a goal by next weekend to make 3 aprons!! I may be calling you!!! YIKES!!!

  9. Abby, I would love to do it. I am however having a hard time e-mailing you. Is this just for people near you or can Utahns join in? My blog is

  10. I sent an e-mail too, did you get it?

  11. For some reason I'm not getting some emails - here is my email address just in case you're having a hard time:

    abbywelker(at)yahoo(dot)com. Let me know if you have any more problems!

    Don't forget - I'll need your addresses, too! Thanks! This is going to be so much fun!

  12. Yikes! I just emailed you that I'm in FO SHO... hope I'm not too late ;o)

    If so, I'll wait until another time (but that cute orange fabric might not LOL).

  13. I tried to email you too. It was send on the 30th. I checked the email address. I think I have it correct. Oh well. I'll get in next time. I'm Melissa's friend from k'ville. Thanks, Kelli

  14. Abby am I to late. I am sorry, I haven't been blog jumping and missed your dead line. If it's to late then I will cry myself to sleep tonight, and dream about the next swap.

  15. Hi Abby,
    I have sent my info in twice now for the apron swap but I still have not seen my name added to the list for the swap. I was wondering if I was going to be allowed to perticipate in this swap.
    Pam Spence TX Crafter
    Corpus Christi TX

  16. Hey Pam! For whatever reason, I haven't received an email from you. All of my spam guards are off, so I'm getting EVERYTHING that comes my way. Would you mind trying one more time? (abbywelker(at)yahoo(dot)com


  17. Hi, I just found your blog while I was looking for apron patterns and I LOVE the apron swap idea! I hope you don't mind if I do this on my own blog! (I swear I will totally give you the credit) :) Great blog btw!


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