

I'm done with February.  And March, for that matter.  GIMME SPRING!!!  It's not going to happen for me, no matter how hard I cry.  I can't even get excited until mid-April.  SO...while the rest of you are enjoying ever-warming temperatures and a gradual thaw from here on out, I'll be freezing--impatiently waiting my turn.

In the meantime....in desperation, I dragged (or drug?) two of my little ones all over town with me yesterday, popping in to several floral shops looking for something cheap, beautiful, and cheery.  Goodness, do we really have to resort to that?!  Yes.  {I'm so sick of dead stuff--everything around me is dead, gray, and covered in white slush.} How pathetic that I have to actually go to floral shops or else I'm going to loose my mind!!! haha!

However!!!  Momentarily, I was transported to a warmer place...full of flowers, grass, trees, birds chirping....a picnic blanket, bare feet, and children laughing outside.  ahhhh...someday....  

here are my beauties from yesterday:


  1. Not pathetic...just taking care of yourself. The flowers are lovely.

  2. I came on here to write the exact same thing. I am having a horrible seasonal sadness because of the stupid weather. All the fun of winter is over and now we just get to wait... I'm not very patient!

  3. LOVE your photos! And ditto to that! I wore capris to day, just to see if that would help Spring get here a little faster. We'll see. =)

  4. I'm with you on this one. If it makes you feel any better...I live in northern Canada and probably won't really get spring at all....we tend to just shift from the melting winter to summer around the end of April/start of May (although we do get bright sunshine most of the winter which helps a lot).

    The flowers are beautiful...you've inspired me to head our to my florists as well.

  5. I am sooooo ready for Spring too!!!!
    Hey what about the Fitness Challenge? Its gonna be here soon!!!

  6. Not pathetic at all! I love fresh cut flowers! I've always said if I was wealthy I'd have fresh flowers in every room of the house every day (daisies are my fave!) ... Winter has been long here in WV too ... Spring is on it's way! Hang on!

  7. I concur!! We are still blowing and drifting snow everywhere! I could really use spring, or even a faint hint that winter will stop at some point! Love the flowers!

  8. Beautiful pictures of beautiful flowers. Nice!


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