
Pay UP!

Hey all of my April Fools Fitness Challenge Peeps - you need to send your moolah!  I've got entry fees for several people, so THANKS to all of you!

So here's what happened in the last challenge - some people got confused, one check got returned to sender, and long-story-short, our winners did not get the total amount I promised them.  To prevent that from happening this time, I'm going to set a deadline.  If I don't have your money by JANUARY 31st, I'm going to cry some tears and scratch some names off the list.  Don't get scratched!  You want to fit into those skinny jeans and you want to win the jackpot!!!  Right?!  So send in your $10 so that you can stay on the list!!!  Email me if you need my address again.  Thanks! That is all.


  1. did you get mine? Lara from Canada...

  2. I'm not playing along with this, but I have to say you are a gem for being willing to spearhead this endeavor! Way to go miss!
    p.s. I love your blog- you are absolutely darling.

  3. Hi I am just saying that in case someone were to decide that they were not interested after all...well 55 is such a nice round number...I would be willing to take the spot! And I could even FEDEX out a check! Hubby works there! Hee Hee!

  4. Lara - Yes! I think yours actually came today! I'll have to go through my stack of mail, but I'm keeping meticulous records and I'll be sure to email you!

    Amy--thanks! You're so cute!

    Trisha - ACTUALLY...someone did drop out - you can take her spot if you want! Email me your beginning weight and I'll send you my address! Yay!

  5. I sent my money today. I literally chased down a mailman, baby in tow, so I hope it gets there this week! Thanks. Paula from LB

  6. If anyone else drops out I too would love to join in. I just re-joined my gym and think this would give me the motivation to actually go!

  7. Are you letting people know when you get their check? Or do I just need to watch for it to clear? It sounds like a lot of coordination on your part! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Mine's on its way! It's coming from Canada - but it's in the mail and I didn't forget. Please don't scratch me off the list! :)

  9. Abby, did you get me email? I have not heard from you and wanted to make sure I got my money to you!

  10. I would takethe place of anyone who doesn't get their money to you. I can Paypal it to you today. Let me know. I really really really need to lose weight. I am at my all time high and I am so frustrated.

  11. hopefully you've got my money by now...i sent it last week

  12. Weird! I sent in a reply but I can't seem to see my comment. Abby, it's Vicki. Am I on the list? If so, I'll send my check out tomorrow. For some reason I wasn't sure if I got on the list or not. If you can email me back that would be super!


PLEASE no soliciting! {save your precious time} Any entry with website links or references WILL BE REJECTED.