
Escape from Winter Blah

For those of you Pioneer Woman fans, you're surely aware of her fun photo challenges.  I'm in love with her, along with the rest of America, and she opens up the photo floodgates with these photo challenges. The last two have been my faves - FOOD AND FLOWERS!!!  Perfect!  It's been just the thing to shake me from my winter blues.

Here's her latest flower grouping posted here on her blog.  {gasp!!!}  I have SO many favorites!!!   Anyone can join her Flickr group and post pictures - these below are some in my own photo file.  My photos don't even come close to how great the winning shots are, but they still make me smile and anticipate spring and summer!.....ahhhh....3 more months....I can hang in there.

I wish this photo were more clear and better taken, but I was in a hurry and just snapped it because I loved the little fairy hairs on the flower! 

this Iris shot is probably one of my favorites in my collection.  

this one makes me smile - it kinda looks like a mother and child to me.  A beautiful mother teaching her child how to blossom.  {And it's orange and orange makes me smile - and I think of my own mother, whose favorite color was/is orange} Love you, mommy!

Kadie grew some amazing sunflowers during the end of summer - how grand!  I'm in love with my sunflower photo collection and this one is my favorite, I think.

Magnolias.  If only there were millions more around me.

There, now!  Doesn't that feel better?!  Doesn't it make you excited for winter to be over?!!!


  1. Great pictures! And I can't wait for spring and summer to do their 'entree'.

  2. Love these photos! If these colors or prints were part of a fabric collection, I would have a hard time resisting buying your fabric and making a quilt. :)

  3. Simply lovely. It's the little things in life that make you smile!

  4. These pictures are gorgeous, Abby! I love them all. My favorite is probably the poppy, love how it stands out against the background.
    I simply love your blog. You are so sweet and kind. I truly love to just come and visit there's such a great spirit about you!

  5. I love PW too. And those photo challenges are great. Your flower photos are amazing!!! I think your shots come pretty darn close to being a winner. So pretty! I wish I could take photos like yours.

  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your poppy pic and the purple flower pic....SO AMAZING!!!! Thanks again for posting on our site...CC :)


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