
i hate blogger...

I would give anything for Blogger to be easy to use. I'm trying to fix my post down below...and now I give up. If it's hard to follow, then I'm sorry. At least the pictures are all lined up now - OY~!


  1. Have you tried Windows Live Writer? I totally prefer it to blogger! You can download it for free from the Windows site. :)

  2. I KNOW! I'm not sure if this is your only concern, but I hate how the formatting can look SO different when you post. (and I'm clueless about html)
    I finally figured out a solution (well, I read it on another blog!). I created a second 'dummy' practice blog. It is not public and only I can see it. I copied my exact template over there.
    So - I write over in the practice blog. Post, see how it looks, edit etc. Once it looks good, I just copy/paste the html into my 'real' blog. It's a little extra step, but worth it for me. HTH!

  3. I hate this new way too!!! Im glad you think the same way...whenever I mention it people stare @ me like I have a 3rd eye or something...glad someone else noticed it too!@

  4. I've also had to install Writer, and it is SOOOO much easier! I'll never use blogger with out it again.

  5. Thanks for all the help!!! I'm loving all the info!

  6. Windows Live Writer is the ONLY way to go! Easily manuver everything like a word document - you'll never go back!
    BTW: Love the blog! Super Cute ideas!

  7. Ha! I literally JUST did a post on my on/off relationship with Blogger! funny. you can read it at www.packetsofsunlight.blogspot.com if you want. Thanks for all the great ideas and beautiful photos. luv 'em.

  8. Three words: Windows Live Writer. It'll change your life. Really.

  9. Bah! I love you crunchie blanket and I usually just let my sweet boy crunch the baby wipes - I'm totally doing this and getting rid of all my guilt for letting him get the germy wipes bag! I've followed your blog for a long time, and just want to say more power to you for your spacing out your posts (instead of daily), as you're a busy momma, and sometimes that comes first. We need a good project, too, don't get me wrong, but I realize that you're busy, and appreciate why. Thanks for your posts - You're a great crafty momma!
    Good luck! - Becky

  10. Like the others above, I LOVE windows live writer!!!!

  11. I use a Mac, though - I don't use Windows...maybe there's something out there for us Mac people?

  12. Help..........if you are all finding blogger difficult I don't know how I will cope. I only began my blog a couple of days ago and I am soooooooooo struggling. Love your blog by the way.
    florrie x

  13. i totally agree! I just barely posted how i hate blogger. I hate when it mixes up your pictures and makes blogging not fun! Hopefully they fix the prob asap. LOL

    btw LOVE the crunchy baby tag toy...super cute! I've made a few that are similar, and my boy loved them!

  14. I love your blog and am going to make the cute crunch blanket this weekend. I use a Mac and I have a photography blog and I find the best way to put photos into flick.com and then put the HTML link into the blog and the picture shows up on the blog. Then you can type above and below each of the photos. If you need more specific instructions, let me know. And good luck!


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