
Chocolate Torte from Heaven

If you ever wondered what kind of food they allow you to eat in Heaven, this is it. I'm 100% positive of that and if they DON'T have this there, then I don't even want to bother going. haha.

But seriously, MAKE THIS. This is what my Love Nugget wants for Father's Day tomorrow. (and maybe I secretly planted that little seed in his brain....whispering 'chocolate torte' all over the house...)

We were at Rock-Star Kadie's house a while back and she made this for us and once again, I'm pretty sure I blacked out somewhere because the next thing I knew, after I started inhaling mine, I was laying on the ground rubbing it all into my face. {{embarrassing!!}}

So here's the link - if you REALLY want to taste something good! And that's her photo above ... gorgeous. Makes me want to eat my computer screen. I can't wait to make this!!!


  1. dear abby,

    im living in germany and found your blog because im searching for some vintage apron patterns. WOW! your blog is so lovely, so doris-dayesque! i love it!!! ill be back daily to get some new recipes and yummy fotos!
    really a great blog!!
    sunny regards

  2. I saw your blog on another crafting blog...I think the creative crate and I saw this pic so I had to come over. Did you make it for father's day? We had it here and it is heaven! SOOOOO GOOOOOD.

  3. I love your blog! I was inspired by your advent calendar and made one of my own. After you have stitched the final snowflakes on your calendar will you post pictures? I need some inspiration for "quilting" the front and the back of the tree together. Thanks for all the great ideas!

  4. Can I have a slice? Looks so yummy!!!!

  5. Ok, so I know I'm a little late on this, but I made this recipe this weekend for my Dad's birthday and oh my word! I was a hero...everyone LOVED it! It's his new favorite and his old favorite was his favorite for 72 years! Now THAT's a great recipe! Thanks for sharing! :)



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