
Vintage Outfits for Sale

Hey Ladies! So check this out. (Mom, don't get mad...but I don't think I need these anymore) My *adorable* mom bought these outfits in 1977 when she was expecting me...but she got a girl...so they were never used. (I would hardly consider myself "vintage" - but it sounds so cool for clothing...) Then she gave the outfits to me to use when I had one of my boys and I just couldn't bring myself to ruin them so I never used them.

NOW I'm trying to send them to a good home (on eBay here) and they're just SO adorable!!! They even have the original 1970's tags on them, the original plastic hangers, AND that crinkly paper underneath the layers!!!! {gasp}

So go get them. I have no idea how much or how little they're worth, which is why I chose eBay to sell them, so here's to hoping they go to a good, loving home!


  1. Adorable! My baby is a girl, though. I hope these go to a good home!

  2. Just a thought...I'm thinking you should hang on to them. Don't let them go! Dress them on some Vintage Teddy bears. You could also frame them in shadow box's.

    You may wish you still had them someday. They are a treasure from your Mother. Someday your Mother may not be here. (I don't keep everything I promise, its just a thought.)

    They are beautiful outfits. Good Luck!

  3. I would keep them...maybe for a childs doll or Teddy...really cute! Come say hi :D

  4. Cute outfit! I would totally bid, but my three week old baby boy is already wearing 3 - 6 month clothes.

    Good luck selling them.

  5. adorable! if it was 18 years ago I would have snatched these right up! hee!

  6. Thanks for the input - but I'm pretty sure I don't need these anymore. My mom wasn't sentimental about them so I think it's okay if I part with them. I've got plenty of great treasures from my mom that are more meaningful! But you're right, Brenda - if these had more connection to my mom, I'd probably hold on to them.


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