
Orangey Goodness

FIRST OF ALL: why on earth do I love these?! What's not to love? They're beautiful, scrumptious, juicy, orangey, squishy, and they make my mouth water. {haha...your mouth is totally watering right now thinking about these being tangy! very cool.} The kids and I had some of these to close out a very hot day and it was purely heaven!

Whatever these things are called, they're one of my all-time favorite childhood treats that I'll love forever. Don't you?! (I love you, orange squishies.)


  1. I haven't had those in years! Next time we go to town I may have to pick some up-what a fun summer treat!

  2. LOVE THEM!!!

    And love your pics of them too...much too late at night to find some though!! :-)

  3. They are actually called Orange Slices. ;D

    They were my grandfathers favorite treat and we leave some for him on his headstone every time we go to visit!

  4. These and peanut clusters are totally Christmas morning to me. :) (Although, I'll take sugar just about any time.)

  5. YUM...I LOVE those too! I guess I'm going to have to buy some now!
    Thanks for sharing a sweet treat.
    Life is Good!

  6. These have always been some of my favs!! They are called "orange slices" lol how easy is that? LOL

  7. Those make me think of my Grampa. He loves them.

  8. Orange Slices! Yes...too easy! How could I not have figured that one out?! Well I'm going to lovingly refer to them as my little Orange Squishy Lovies.

    And I LOVE the idea of having these on Christmas morning - my mom used to give us real oranges as a kid, but my kids eat good oranges year round, so it's not a novelty during Christmas. BUT THESE ARE!!! What kid is going to question candy?

    Go out and get yourself some! It's a lot of fun...I never thought that eating an orange-slice-candy-squishy could be so enjoyable!

  9. i love orange slices! my MIL introduced me to orange slice brownies a few years ago, they are my absolute favorite holiday treat. they are a blond brownie with little pieces of cut up orange slices in them, oh so good, with powdered sugar sprinkled on top! oh so good!

  10. We always called them Orange Slices. I remember my grandma always had them. Now when I see them I think of her (she hates them now! lol). I still get them when I'm reminiscing. :)

  11. i am embarrassed to say that i eat about a pound of these a week!!! the ones i get have cherry, lime and lemon along with the orange.... they are my drug of choice...yum!! :D

  12. They are irresistible, looks like I am going to have to go on a candy run. They count as real fruit right?

  13. I love these! I love how they taste and love how when you eat them the sugar crunches. DELISH

  14. These are also my grandpa's favorite treat. I buy them for him for Christmas every year along with whatever else.

  15. I wish I had these on my desk right now! Yum! cute pics too ;)

  16. Abby it looks like you are sharing a favorite goodie of the past with a bunch of grandparents.
    You need to get hooked on the new young hip candy like
    pretzel M& M's .
    Promise you may be addicted.
    Hows the babe?

  17. OK, it's time to put down the orange slices and blog;)

  18. My grandma kept these orange slices on her counter:) I remember eating them when I'd go visit her-great memory! Feel good Candy-♥

  19. Yup, Orange Slices. They were my Daddy's favorite!


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