
Hello Out There!

Hi to everyone out there! I hope you all had a FABULOUS Christmas holiday!!! I'm sure you have been as busy as I have been... {WHEW!} The Christmas whirlwind is over and I'm proud to say that my focus was on my family and kids, enjoying the special moments with them, rather than the usual hustle and bustle I seem to get overwhelmed with. I wanted my kids to get out of their crazy mindset of what they wanted for Christmas, so I had them play "Santa's Helper" for a few other children we know whose parents needed a little Christmas help - and they did great! What a good thing it is for kids to focus on someone else instead of themselves!

ANYWAY...check out this gorgeous cardinal I found perched in a bush outside my back door! Isn't he stunning?! Red is my fave color - so I love when I see splashes of red in the gray of winter.

...So now on to preparing for the new year - lots of excitement to come! { I have this phobia of psycho stalkers who cut babies out of women...so I'm reluctant to talk about my "condition" - but it's going along well! } I'll keep you posted on when the big moment happens, but I've got a little while longer yet, so now I get to focus my attention on making adorable baby stuff!!!

'kay, well have a HAPPY New Year!


  1. Such a neat photo! I love red too. What a neat contrast. Here's to a wonderful 2010!

  2. I love the bird! My favorite color is red too! Also...I grew up in sunny Southern California and really have a hard time in the winter! Especially after Christmas! It needs to be spring!

  3. Copngratulations! The cardinal is breathtaking against the grayness of the winter day. Someone once told me that every time you see a cardinal, you should close your eyes and make a wish -- so I still do that to this day. Wishing you all the best for 2010! Blessings Tammy

  4. Awesome Pic. I had that same phobia. It's lessened with each pregnancy (I'm on #3 now). Can't wait to see your new baby sewing projects. I've been making bibs tonight. Thinking of tackling my first quilt.

  5. beautiful cardinal photo!! I love your blog!!! Keep up the excellent work!

  6. I have never seen a red cardinal...I can't believe it was right out your back door..what a gift of nature! Good luck with the new one to come..you'll be fine! Come say hi :D

  7. I thought I was the only one who had that phobia! I used to always add a good month or two whenever a stranger asked. Had one of those horrible incidents happen around where I live, and you can't be too careful!

    Love your blog. Cute, cute, cute!
    Glad you had a good holiday with your family. Kick your feet up and relax a bit while you still can! :)

  8. Love that picture! Hope you're feeling good!

  9. What a beautiful picture. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  10. We have those lovely cardinals in the woods behind our home, something new for this Idaho girl! All the best with your "condition". With my last few pregnancies I found myself being very vague with strangers about how far along I was or how many were in there (I was huge!).... too many psychos out there. Enjoy the miracle of pregnancy!

  11. Wow - what a fab photo! You should totally frame that and hang it in your house. Happy New Year!

  12. Gorgeous photo! I was wondering why you were so quiet, but I understand the phobia for sure! Happy to hear you are doing well. :)

  13. I'm jealous of your bird sighting! Seriously. The birds in my backyard blend right in with the brown trees. They're still cute and my daughter loves to spot them out the window, but not nearly as exciting and flashy as cardinal!

  14. my grandmother loved cardinals so each time I see one I think of her. Thank you for capturing such a great photo to share!

  15. that phobia is so normal, i was terrified with my first. it got easier with number two, but when i found out 3 was a boy i was freaked out until he was home safe with me.


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