

This picture pretty much sums up how I feel! For those of you wondering what on earth has happened to my advent calendar post, it hasn't happened yet...I'm STILL finishing it. OY! I'm still in love with it even though it's now December 4th and my time limit came and went. Because I want to do it right and not slop it together, I'm going to {hopefully} finish it this weekend for good.

We had...Thanksgiving weekend = BUSY, my anniversary {gaspity gasp!} which included a fun-filled, quick trip to Chicago - LOVED IT - we got back on Tuesday night, and this entire week has been full of Christmas decorating {fun!}, shopping, and taking care of kids. My projects have to take a back-seat when it comes to the family, so that's the deal.

How about all of YOU?! Are you enjoying the Holidays and getting things decorated?!


  1. what's funny is that I have almost the exact same post on my blog...trying to get an advent calendar but life happens and so now i'm promising myself to finish it by the end of the weekend. lol. great picture...ditto.

  2. Sounds like you're one busy mama. I miss those days immensely.

  3. I'm waiting for my stinking felt for the tree body and I just found out it won't be here until the 11th. SOOO, I'll either finish it quickly or just go slow and put it up next year.

    It's worth it to do it right, like you've mentioned before.

  4. Life somehow creeps up on us all at the same time and many things take a backseat to what's happening in the moment. Sounds like you've had some good family time. You will get the advent calendar done. All things good in their own time. Sunday blessings to you and yours. :) Tammy

  5. We just decorated the tree tonight and that is late for us! I have not pulled together all my advent calendar yet...I don't know what is wrong with my timing this year:-)

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! I can't wait to see your advent calendar!! You've inspired me to make one for next year. =)

  7. Love that photo! I guess most of us are sharing the same "madness" and joy :)


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