
Cute Baby Stuff!

I'm always on the lookout for cute baby stuff - and first on my list is the Diaper Bag Diva. ADORABLE stuff there, ladies. There's all kinds of baby gear there and you can get it all matchy-matchy!!! ('cause that's popular nowadays, I hear...) They've actually got a bunch of really cute bags on clearance, too. If you're lazy like me and run out of time to make your friend something for her baby (sorry to my girls out there), just order something way cute from here and you're done! Hey - I'd rather show up with something cute than nothing at all, okay.

Next up - I'm TOTALLY interested in trying these G Diapers out. Kinda pricey, but I abhor regular disposable diapers and I'm not into the whole cloth diaper thing - so maybe this could be a good happy medium?! Anybody out there DISLIKE these so I can change my mind?! What else is there to do? Potty training an infant? Ideally, yes - likely, no. I HATE BODILY SECRETIONS!!!

AND, finally, a huge thanks to Kadie for getting everybody within a 20-mile radius of our town hooked on these amazing Moby Wraps! Oh my gosh - I'm totally buying one! I've seen these in action and they're SO much better than those silly Snuggli things that break your back. Plus, who wants everybody touching your baby?! You just tuck the little one way down in the Moby and you avoid all of those annoying people touching the baby's head, face, and hands - all without the heavy, annoying baby seat we think we need to lug around. GENIUS.

There's just way too much cute baby stuff out there - I need to pace myself...


  1. That's me, wishing I loved gDiapers more than I do! We've tried all the diapering options: disposables, gDiapers, and cloth diapers. I by far prefer cloth diapers (even though there is laundry, there aren't stinky garbage bags). The gDiapers don't flush well--try six times AFTER pulling the insert apart into pulp... Do you have a composting toilet?! They'd be great in that case. ;)

    My husband made himself something like a Moby Wrap, and he LOVES it. I love our Pikkolo baby carrier.

    Have fun choosing adorable baby things!

  2. I LOVE my Moby Wrap. We went to Chicago when my baby was about 2 months old and it was great. He stayed warm and snuggly and I had two arms to shop freely! It lasted all day and my back felt great. I think you are near me in MI and a store that carries them is Buddha Belly off Orchard Lake Rd. You can try one out before you buy. Also, if you can't figure out the wrap, You Tube has some great demos.

    We are starting cloth diapers this week. I have become a little OCD on it. Beware...if you venture into that territory it can become addicting. If you want to try, check out diaperswappers.com. You can buy 2nd hand diapers at a lower cost and see if you like it. I have heard the same thing about gdiapers...that they clog toilets. We have a composter, but I am not sure about that much human waste being good for the veggie garden (yuck). If you go cloth, we are loving the Fuzzi Bunz brand. A great cloth website is www.pinstripesandpolkadots.com/basics

    Good luck!

  3. I've tried the gdiapers, and now use cloth. It's a great idea, but I just didn't like having to "swish" the diaper in the toilet after every change. One extra step that I didn't want to deal with. The cloth goes straight into the hamper. If you don't have diaper service, yes you have to wash them...but just one big load. I do really like the gdiaper covers used with cloth for when you're ready to potty train. It's a much easier system to pull off (as the cover and diaper come off in one swoop) when you're rushing to the bathroom. With a cloth fastened with a snappi or pin plus the cover, it can be a pain to undo when the kid is saying they need to go potty now! :)

  4. Hi! I guess I am no longer a lurker... anyway, had to comment about the Moby wraps. They are great. So much more comfortable than the buckled carriers out there. But, I didn't buy one online. A friend of mine got one (for about $60!) and I made my own based on the general idea of hers. I'm a novice sewer, but it only took me a few hours and a little head scratching. I used a cotton panel for the middle, and a somewhat stretchy cotton/jersey-ish fabric for the wrapped parts. It's amazing and only cost me about $13. Since you're awesome and crafty you might consider making one, that is if you're not already completely overwhelmed by kids and pregnancy.

    Thanks so much for all your posts, I really enjoy following your blog!


  5. Hi Abby! Boy, I am getting brave with posting! I've always been a lurker until this week! Love the Moby wrap. I've used slings with all 4 kids...Moby is by far the best, especially for long excursions. It was a breeze with an 11 month old thru Yellowstone last month. I also use cloth diapers...I started when #3 was a toddler, and almost exclusively with #4. My advice is to wait until baby is big enough to use size 1 disposables. cottonbabies.com has a great "try it kit" for about $30. I used that system for a while until I was ready for something that fit trimmer. Check out my blog for more info if you'd like. You could whip up some awesome pocket diapers for baby that don't cost an arm and a leg. http://www.pickupsomecreativity.blogspot.com
    Thank you for sharing such fun ideas with so many. Have a great day!

  6. About gdiapers. I don't know if this code will still work, but it takes off $30. So you get 6 for $40. You CAN"T get better then this!

    CODE: g745Beal
    use for this....


  7. By the way, I don't "swish" the diapers. I tear the lining and flush and hold on to the rest until the very last minute, no clogging. Or, you can throw them away, they decompose in a matter of weeks. I LOVE the gdiapers.

  8. Hi Abby,
    I wanted to try the gdiapers, but thought they were too expensive. I cringe at the thought of dealing with cloth. I now use Nature Babycare diapers. They are completely biodegradable. I order from diapers.com. Check it out, I think they are the best diapers I've ever used!

    And congratulations!!

  9. Oh, I forgot with the Moby, you could totally make one. It is pretty much a really long piece of cloth that is tapered on both ends. I actually thought about embroidering that lift up flap with something cute. Mine is black and could easily be appliqued. You just need some jersey knit. I have also seen them in like a light guaze (which would be good for summer).

  10. I was just going to echo what others have said before me---I came across a blog entry that gave instructions for making a 'moby' here:


    You're the most supreme of molly's, so I have no doubt that you'll pull off something fab and affordable!

  11. WOW! Thanks, everyone, for the GREAT info!! You know I'm going to have to make my own Moby wrap just to see if it works or not - we'll see! And thanks for the diaper info - I'm totally going to explore the options!

  12. OK. One last thing, because I am just weird that way... Here are some good websites if you wanted to sew your own diapers.





    I really like the nappy network with the pocket diaper/fold over elastic/ with gussets. Man...it gets addicting. Good luck.

  13. Long time Stalker, First Time poster here.. (oh wait! I think i did comment once loooooong time ago...)

    Anyways! My SIL has a moby and totally loves it. Im too cheap, but I think I'll have to try making one myself...

    I also wanted to share some lil' kid hoodie towels I've just started making. I think they are WAY better than the cheap-y thin kind most people get for babies.. Don't babies deserve a nice thick towel too?? Anyways... Feel free to let me know what you think. I'm just getting the site up and running, so it's still a work in progress.

    Thanks for being a huge inspiration!

    (sorry for the looong comment...)

  14. uh..oops- the site is: myredhotdesigns.blogspot.com


  15. I have used cloth diapers for 2 years and the G-diapers are definitely my favorite. I line them with cloth diapers not the disposable inserts so I'm not sure how the inserts are, but the g-diaper prevents leakage the best of any brand that I've tried.

  16. I loved wearing my babies in a sling.

    We tried cloth diapers with my oldest daughter. I was too obsessed with them being spotless.

  17. We used G diapers, and LOVED them! it takes some dedication to use them.

  18. hi! i just came across this post and wanted to share my insights. we switched to cloth diapers in april with my 11 month old (at the time) and LOVE it. i'll never go back to disposables. i have a friend who used G diapers and said they weren't that great...i personally don't have any experience with them.

    the diapers we use are the bumGenius one size diaper, so we can use it from newborn to potty trained toddler. they are GREAT. we have not had any leaks at all - ever. we had leaks all the time in disposables. they contain even diarrhea amazingly. we have a diaper sprayer that attaches to the toilet so cleaning the poo is not a big deal at all and what's another load of wash? for us it has really worked and since we are just at the beginning of our family, it has been a great money saving investment.

    don't be scared to try cloth diapers! they are not like you envision them to be!

    ps...i love all of your creations!

  19. so cute....
    They look amazing...great job!

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  20. I love LOVE love gdiapers-- I've used them for three babies now and prefer them by far to my other cloth options-- I stick to seventh generation for out-and-about though-- you can get seventh generation discounted 15% by ordering them subscribe and save and shipped free second day with prime- plus every couple of months they put them down an addl'25% for a couple of days so I stock up big time. I'm a med wife in Trenton, MI, I've got some gdiapers you can check out if you want to "test drive" them before you buy them from the store. I also have the moby and LOVE it. Really. I got the organic one on sale at whole foods for about $40, not too shabby, but I would have sewn one if I was not a sewing retard. I bet yours will be really cute and crafty. Good luck and congrats on the bundle-o-joy.

  21. We use cloth diapers and love them. My husband and i both work full time and there have been a few "disposable" days, but not many. Something else to consider: Elimination Communication.... Just google it. It sounds crazy at first, but it is wonderful and works. My 6 month old uses the potty several times a day and has been since she was 4 weeks old. It doesn't take much if any extra time and she will never need to be taught what a potty is for. She already knows. It's similar to what is done in less developed countries such as india and china.

  22. This is all great information for me to remember for my new baby that is coming! I also looked here baby gear.


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