
The End of a 3-Month Whirlwind

Hi All! I hope you had a great Holiday season! I guess, technically, we have one more big one left - New Year's - but the bulk of it all is over and done with and as much fun as it was, I'm so glad to be done racing around!

Oh, and the day after Christmas my computer CRASHED. Nice. EVERYTHING was lost, but luckily I didn't trust my junky Dell so I had recently backed everything up in September. I only lost 3 months of stuff but it was still painful. So after crying my tears, I picked myself up and drove over to the Apple store where they hooked me up and made me feel SO much better! Aha! Thank you, Apple for making computers that WORK.

So now that most of the holidays are over, it's back to doing what I love - projects! It seems like the three-month fog that is Halloween through Christmas has lifted and everything can settle down a bit finally. It's fun and all, but I'm ready to be done with holidays!

Until I get my act together, here's what I'm drooling over:

LaLa's Paquinos

Aren't these things the CUTEST things ever?!

Meringue Designs
I'm in the mood to do a banner similar to this - maybe for Valentine's Day, and a generic "Happy Birthday" one for any time there's a birthday around here! I'm already getting excited...

These cute Penny Pockets from Happy Zombie would be fun, too - and she gives a GREAT tutorial on her blog.

If I had any energy whatsoever right now, and if I didn't need to go to the grocery store BAD....I'd jump up and make something...haha!


  1. Oh no! Your computer crashed?
    Glad you got a new one and are up and running again!
    That 1st pic if too cute of you guys!

  2. I meant to say that first pic is too cute of you guys. I must need more COFFEE!!! ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi. First time to comment here and just wanted to say hello and I, too, are excited about new creations. Thanks for the great ideas!!


  5. Your computer died!!!! I would have had a heart attack..... I'm so sorry!

  6. Abby! I made B-day banners for Christmas. I looked at a few on-line and then came up with my own design. They turned out so cute! Good luck with yours. It would be fun to make them for different holidays.


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