
Happy 4th!

Hi All! I hope you had a WONDERFUL Independence Day! We all had a blast (haha) and I thought I'd share some highlights from our local parade.

First of all, I love these classy old cars with the polished chrome accents. I thought this photo represented good old-fashioned America. Can you imagine people back in the 1930's and 1940's considering the fact that their bright, new, innovative cars would become antiques and outdated?! Thank goodness for people who restore these old beauties to their original grandeur!

And this was too great not to share - a local grocery store always has their shopping cart brigade at the 4th of July parade! There's always music and they do a dance with the carts - tipping them up, turning them around, and skipping all around. Unfortunately, we were on a downhill part of the road so they didn't do anything cute in front of us.

And, last but not least - who could resist the rent-a-husband?! Ingenious! I'm pretty lucky and I've got access to a great-looking, handy husband of my own, but to all those lonely ladies out there - YOU CAN RENT ONE, GIRLS!!! SWEEEEET!!! And I thought pizza delivery was convenient...


  1. The shopping cart ladies are a great idea! I would love to see their moves LOL!

  2. What a fun parade.

    I love those old cars, too, and that's a very classy picture of one.
    We have a "Cruise In" every year in our town -- people from all over the country bring their classic cars and show them off -- then there's the Main Street Drag every night where they drive them in parade fashion. It's pretty neat.

  3. I agree, who wouldn't want to rent a husband? What a clever business idea.

  4. That is the greatest idea I've ever heard! Rent a Husband! Ha Ha Ha... Im still giggling about it!

  5. Oh I've always wanted to see one of those shopping cart routines! Fun!

    Years ago I saw a thing on Oprah about a Hub for hire company and decided that it was genius. I'm lucky right now to have my family close but if I didn't I would totally feel better about calling a company like that than trying to do it myself.

  6. LOL so hard from the rent a husband. Had to comment for the first time. How wonderful for all those women whose husband sre to busy to be handy. I am blessed, mine can figure out how to fix most things.


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