
To-Dye-For Onesies

I could dye. (haha!)

But seriously, folks, it's raining babies around me and I have to get caught up on baby stuff. I've got 3 nephews still waiting for me to get my act together - and I've got two little girls coming soon so I'm excited to get to play with PINK stuff for a bit!

So have you ever played with fabric dye? If not, you're in for some SERIOUS fun! And it couldn't be easier! My children could do this with their eyes shut! (okay, but there would be a huge mess)

All you need is:

Bottle of Rit dye
Onesies (or whatever)
Pot of boiling water
Small rubber bands (from the hair accessory aisle)
Rubber gloves

Just follow the directions on the bottle of dye. You're a smart cookie - you know that the less dye you use, the lighter the color - the more dye, the darker the color. Mix the colors up to get combinations! For example: to get more of a peachy color, use a little pink and a little yellow. It's hard to say exactly HOW your color will turn out, so that's why this stuff is pretty cheap and you can play with it!

So the next step is to tie up your shirt in any way you want.

Take the shirt for a dip for a minute or two.

Using rubber gloves, rinse the shirt out until the water runs clear. Take your bands off and admire your work! This shirt looks darker here in this photo because it's wet. It actually dried a little lighter.

Wash and dry your shirts with similar colors. Mine didn't bleed at all in the washer - and they look and feel so soft and pink!

I also dyed a onesie without wrapping the bands and I ended up with this CUTE pink shirt that I'm going to stitch a girly fabric square on. And why stop there?! I also tossed in a burpie cloth and I'm going to make a cute little set to match the pink onesie. I'll post pics when I'm done.

**As a side note, the Rit dye directions say to clean up with bleach, so I bleached my pot out. I haven't read up or educated myself about dye and whether or not I've ruined my stock pot or not - I'm assuming it's still just fine. But just in case, use an old pot if you have one!


  1. Very cute! We just got through our ward's baby boom, so I'll have to keep this in mind for the next round. :)

  2. SO adorable! Great tutorial!

  3. You have such cute ideas!!! Your apron swap insired me to do a card swap, but I'm struggling to try and make a button. I created one in photoshop, but when I add it to my blog it's huge. Any advice on how you created your?

  4. So funny! We just spent the evening last night tye dying my kids shirts so they would have something to wear for seventies day at school today! I wish I had thought of onseies! I had all that dye I could have used! Man, now I want to go buy more rit!

  5. great idea. i have a nephew due today, my best friend is having twins in a week or two, and my niece is having a girl in june.

  6. How cute! I love all your great ideas and use the often.

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. I've got 3 - 13yo girls coming over to spend the night with my twins tomorrow and now i know what we'll be doing! This will be fun~~thanks! :)

  8. This is the cutest idea. I'm in love. I use rit dye all the time on my black clothes but, i never would have thought to do this.
    Thanks for sharing your ideas!

  9. those are so cute!!

    We're having a tie dye party with a bunch of friends in a few weeks so it should be fun.

  10. So cute! Lucky little girl. Love that you threw in a burp cloth. So much more fun for her to spitup on pink.

  11. These are sooooo cute!! Love them!! What a great idea!! I may just have to try this one myself!! This could be so fun with Coop! :)

  12. This looks amazing! I am totally going to do it. I have a few friends with babies on the way and 2 nieces on the way. I might even sneak in a few for my baby girl!

    Great idea!

  13. I love your fun ideas! Can't wait to try these.

  14. Those are so cute! I love tie-dye!! I tagged you on my blog!

  15. we do tie dye each summer for swimsuit cover ups. I use a really large plastic bowl instead of a pot and it works just fine!

  16. How absolutely darling! My daughter (7) is begging to tye-dye something. I think this will be a fabulous project once school is out!

  17. Too cute. Love these!
    Angie Seaman

  18. I wanted to try this for a baby-boy shower, but I'm not familiar with these dyes. So, unable to pick which color of blue, I chose Navy. The tie-died onesies looked okay, but the solid navy burp cloths were u-g-l-y. The navy almost looks like it has a tinge of purple. So if you guys try it, pick a different blue color!!!!


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