
Dumb Blonde Gardening 101

Okay, so I should write a book about Dumb Blonde gardening because I have NO idea what I'm doing!!! That's okay, though, I like it that way. I like to learn as I go.

So...nobody got hurt in the process, and I made this glorious box for a raised garden bed!!! I read up on how to do it HERE and after much sweat and a couple of tears, I did it. It isn't exactly how the instructions said to do it, but whatever! It worked!

Alright, so the plants won't care if all of the legs are straight - the point is that I MADE IT MYSELF!!!

And here is my little box. Precious, isn't it? My husband made me put it here because it's such an eyesore! But it will get plenty of sunshine, so I don't care. He'll think it's an eyesore when I'm bringing in yummy, fresh veggies for our summer grilling and salads.

And here are my little babies. The tall guys there are my green beans - I LOVE fresh green beans!!!

These happy little guys are my sunflowers. I hope they grow to be big, strong, and gigantic!!!

Obviously they won't go in the garden box, but I've got a great spot picked out for them in the back of my yard.

I can't remember what these are - cucumbers maybe - but whatever they are, they're CUTE!!!

My kids have really enjoyed this whole seed planting process. They're just as excited as I am. Now I just have to figure out how to keep the furry woodland critters away...


  1. That raised garden bed is wonderful. Women do amazing things! I wisou a season of happy and healthy food!

  2. Oh Abby! I am so impressed by your initiative. Just yesterday I thought I was superwoman for hanging a picture on the wall straight. You've put me to shame :)

  3. so exciting! I did my first garden this year. So fun! I love growing things! Great job on constructing that thing! I would be proud too!

  4. great garden!! That's really cool. We have issues with woodland creatures, too. One thing you can do is put some tin plates or dishes on a post and when the wind blows, they scare the animals away. I know it sounds crazy, but it works!

  5. We have the garden boxes and LOVE them....very little weeding! :) Great job building them yourself!

  6. That is exactly what I was planning on doing this weekend. My husband is going out of town, so it will just be me trying to figure it out. You give me hope...

  7. Your box looks great! I can't wait to see the progress of your garden :)

  8. My neighbor does the raised beds. I'll be interested to hear how yours go! We have a big garden in our backyard that I love, but the weeds are a killer. I usually weed until the plants get strong enough and then just use killzall VERY carefully around them!

  9. I always thought planting the seeds and getting them to grow would be the tough part... turns out in my neck of the woods, its keeping the furry animals away! I planted cute sunflower seeds a month ago, and after transplanting, a squirrel or the birds totally got to 'em! I'm so disappointed... Looks like I will have to plant more seeds. Good luck with the critters!

  10. Wow Abby... I am completely IMPRESSED! I love fresh veggies and can't wait for mine to grow too. I think the raised garden boxes look so good. You did a great job!

  11. This is EXACTLY what I needed today! My hubby was asking last night about buying a book on planter beds... free is better!

  12. Your seedlings look great! Mine were a complete failure, but I fixed it by buying some plants from the nursery. ;)

    You have a great blog!

  13. Well look at you! You started something new and you should feel very good about it. I learn as I go too and quite often find that instructions frustrate my creative way of doing things. I think it's beautiful!

  14. We (well hubby) did this for the first after a few instructions from me. It pretty much foor like mine. I also can't wait to see my veggies grow! Good luck with yours!


  15. Great job on that raised bed!

    Another good way to shoo away critters is to hang old cd's from fishing line near the garden. The reflection scares the pants off of 'em. :)

    I just started my seeds...our growing season is so later here in Alaska. Good luck with your seedlings!

  16. Hi Abby,

    It was a nice surprise to come across your blog. I love reading it. You are amazing. It helped me realize I need to cultivate my own talents and well as my families, thanks. :):) I have always wanted a garden..WOW, way to go. I am excited to see it grow...
    I am glad that to see things are going well for you.

    Tamara Mowers (Senn)

  17. just stalking your blog...I am attempting this also this year after having my tender veggies were gobbled up by weeds last year. Look at Mel Bartholomew's squarefootgardening.com for some more helps. A freind introduced me to his method and I'm a fan. Make sure you fill your box with a potting soil mixture or you'll have to combat nasty weeds. p.s. I found some cheap potting soil at Walmart for $1.66 a cubic foot and then threw some compost, peatmoss, and perlite into it for some extra "veggie vitamins".

  18. You are an amazing woman!!! This is wonderful. I thought I was amazing for hanging up my hummingbird feeder until I saw your blog!!! Kathi


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