
Mystery Apron Solved

(this cartoon is completely irrelevant to my posting, other than it's funny and I feel like I can relate...)

WHEW - that was a close one. I FINALLY figured out why I received a 2nd "mystery apron" and now I don't have to feel guilty wearing it...and I can finally sleep at night.

Apparently when I sent in my late entry to the "Sassy Apron Swap", I had no idea that I made it in time and was assigned a partner! I never heard from anyone (that email problem I had earlier) and my name never appeared on the swap list, so I figured that I was too late and moved on with my own swap! So there's been this poor girl WAITING for an apron that I have no idea I'm supposed to be sending!

Thank goodness I've got a couple of extra aprons waiting to go to a new home - so I'll get one of those off in the mail on Monday. I love it that nothing can be SIMPLE in my life - there's always something...


  1. Phew! I'm so glad your mystery is solved and life isn't too boring over there.

  2. I'm glad that you solved the problem. I have not yet received my apron. I'll give it till Tuesday or so and get back to you, but thought I would through a heads up in.

    This has been a lot of fun Abby.

  3. I think that cartoon is hillarious. I am glad you got your mystery solved!

  4. Funny cartoon... You've got a very nice blog here.

  5. Hi, I just got my apron in the mail - it's adorable, and I love it! Green is my favorite color, so it's perfect. Thanks so much, for the cookbook too!


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