
Christmas Craft-Along?!

I miss doing things together…..remember the Apron Swap?  The Fitness Challenge?  Good times. 
 Let's do something together again!  Anybody with me?!  

Sometimes I need a little nudge….sometimes a push...and mostly a SHOVE.  

Let's make something adorable to add to our homemade collection for our future generations to enjoy.  That's one of my favorite things about the things we make - our future generations will treasure it…usually.  

I wish I had something beautiful made by my grandmother, but I don't because she had, like, a bazillion grandkids.  I do have a beautiful crochet dress made by a great-grandmother and it's a TREASURE!

So…with that in mind…let's make some Christmas decor!  I will jump ahead and walk you through it step-by-step and it will be something that ANYBODY can do.  We can all post our pictures on a Flickr page that I'll set up later.  

Here's what has inspired me lately…thinking about doing a craft-along with one or two of these:

Embroidery Hoop Christmas Applique from Coutrykitty.  These are adorable and would be cute up on the wall all together.  I'll make up some templates and post it for everybody to use.  This one looks fun!! 

Felt trees from Pottery Barn Kids.  To buy a set of these, you're looking at $136 before tax & shipping. We can make these for MUCH less!! (and probably a little more detailed, too)  Sometimes it's just easier to just spend the money on something really beautiful, but this time, I am thinking that this is a project I want to undertake.  

(Photo came from Pinterest, via Flickr.)
I LOVE this idea of creating a little felt tree for little ones to decorate.  I've got a LOT of little people in my life that would love this!  Trying to decide if it's something I want to undertake or not, but if I did, I'd probably do a bunch - which could get a little crazy!  Not sure if I want to get TOTALLY crazy or not….but being that it comes naturally for me, I'm seriously contemplating it.  …..???  

And…finally….best for last….DEFINITELY a Photo Challenge!  
You don't have to own a fancy camera - you just have to join the fun and get creative!  I'll come up with a Holiday Photo Challenge list and we can all share together.  

So get ready, get out your glue guns, embroidery needles, your cameras, and get ready to MAKE SOME MAGIC with me!! {scream!}  Sorry…screaming is sometimes unnecessary.

Have a Happy Day!!


Heather said...

I am TOTALLY in!!! I have had those embroidery hoops on my Things I Want to Make Pinterest Board for a while now. I love the idea of doing this together!!! Are you on instagram? I am halloweenheather on ig and in most of the interweb world. :)

Anonymous said...

How fun!! Excited to participate!!

the W* family said...

LOVE this idea... and all of the ideas are so cute, too. I'm in.

Abby said...

woohooo!!! SO excited!! Alright, then - I'll put stuff together and I'll post details soon!

Pass the word along - the more the better! :)

Abby said...
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Hincha's said...

I want to play with you. Can I please???....,

Crystal said...

:) Fun! I haven't crafted in ages. The hoops are adorable!