Hi All! So I'd love to be emailing my fitness people and doing fun things with that, but this weekend was kinda busy. My little guy (3 1/2 year-old) broke his arm, had to have surgery, and stay the night at the hospital. So not only have my eating habits been HORRIBLE, but I haven't had sleep for days and let's just say that exercise and blogging is NOT on my priority list!
So when things settle down a bit, I'll re-focus and try to get emails out, blog links posted, and so on.
In the mean time...back to my little buddy....and he's doing fine - whatta trooper!
Oh no! I hope your little guy heals quickly!!
I SO sorry! I hope your little guy has a quick recovery :)
Oh Man!! I am so sorry!!! I think you had better make him some of those yummy cupcakes, that should help!
Awww, poor guy. I hope he feels better soon. Kids and injuries are never fun (I was one of those kids who went to the ER a few times from playing too hard). I agree, cupcakes will help :)
Poor little guy! Hope he's better soon.
Awww, poor little guy! Hope he gets feelin better soon!
That sucks! Sorry to hear about your little guy. Hope that it heals up fast!
My niece fell and broke her arm (exact area), had to have surgery and the whole deal. She was in a cast for the longest time. She was only 18 months at the time.
Good Luck! Cupcakes would def make him feel better. Chocolate always helps me. *smiles*
I am sure you burned enough calories with all the worry for your little guy. Fitness program not needed in this situation. Hope he is feeling better soon.
Oooh, goodness! Glad to see he's doing well despite the cast and are those pins? Eeeek! (I've never broken a bone, it is all foreign to me.)
Sounds like we had the SAME WEEKEND! My 19 1/2 month old little guy also broke his arm and got a cast this weekend! No surgery though-that is no fun- I'm so sorry- hope the week goes better :) There is always time for fitness/exercise/etc. later :) take care
OW!!! I hope he's feeling better and that the break heals quickly!
Poor Baby! That would be so terrible. Hope his arm is feeling better soon.
Wow. He really did a number on himself. Poor little guy.
Ouch ouch ouch! Hope he heals super fast:)
Make sure you keep the pins!! (if that is an option) I still have mine from when I was 11 and broke my leg. They'll for sure up his coolness factor in HS. :)
Ahhh!! Thanks, everybody! You're the greatest!
oh my goodness! what trauma! glad you guys are safe at home! go take care of that sweet little boy and don't worry about the fitness thing until everything is right again.
Hope you are all doing better! I want to let you know that I'm a fan of your blog.
Come over to my blog and grab your award.
I'm so sorry! I hope he gets better soon. I'm sure the Easter Bunny will take his mond off things and he'll be up and going in no time!
Oh no!!! Poor little bugga! I know how hospital stays take their tole on MOM and DAD. Yes, I know the little guy is the one with the problem, but we end up eating from vending machines and the McD's in the lobby. Not so good, actually!
Hope he feels better soon!
Poor guy! I am so sorry to here that.
Hugs to you (and him). What a bummer!
I am sorry about your weekend. Hope you're all pulling through.
Here's some good news: You have been nominated for a blogging award!! I think your site is fabulous, and you have given me confidence in trying new skills (like aprons and hair bows). Thanx for all your work!
Check out your nomination at my blog: dressesandmesses.wordpress.com
Angee :)
hope your little guy has a fast recovery. he looks like a trooper:)
He is sooo little to have a broken bone! I am so sorry that you guys are going through all of this. So glad he is doing better.
I hope your little is feeling better. Happy Easter!!
Poor little man! My niece had x-rays just like those last year, let me guess-trampoline? I vote for cupcakes too!
Poor little thing! Been there and done that - one hot pink cast and several pins at the growth bone. The nurses did not have the heart to take off her little red sparkly shoes during surgery. She still has a scare, but bounced back quick and so will your little guy!
unDeniably Domestic
wishes that your little sweetie heals quickly!
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