
Craaazy Cookin' Fool

Here's a peek into OUR busy day!

I'm cookin' all morning!!! So why the heck not?! Don't you have 'lazy' days where you go, "If only there was something in the freezer I could pull out so I don't have to exert energy and get up off this dang couch..."? (that's me like every day.) I'm out of my 'lazy' food that I usually have on hand, so today is sort of a re-stocking day. I'll work my keester off but it's going to be worth it not having to come up with dinner stuff now that school has started and life got busier. I despise coming up with dinner ideas. It's just TOO much brain strain for me.

So here we have meat sauce for Giada's lasagna rolls, cooked chicken in broth for whatever I decide later, and Paula Deen's white bean chili! I'm actually excited about that one - its my favorite thing with a homemade tortilla, which we'll make later on today. Geeze, I'm starving now.

...Let's not forget my favorite cooking companion...my beloved DP...nectar from heaven. I love you, DP.

Oh, and what of that 800 loads of laundry I had to do on account of everybody being "out of clothes" or something. whatever. I can't wait until my kids start doing their OWN laundry. I'll just put that lazy kid right there to work, that's what I'll do.


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Looks like you are a busy woman today! The lasagna rolls look divine!
Thanks for sharing.

Domestic Goddess..Diva sometimes said...

Busy morning! I am waiting for my bread dough to rise so I can make dinner rolls for freezing. Never made Giada's meat sauce. Is it good?

Lynaya said...

I love to pull things out of the freezer and have dinner ready in a flash. My other favorite is when my husband puts something for dinner in the crock pot before he go to work. It is so nice not to have to cook a lot after a long day of running errands.

{amy k.} said...

great idea- I've been meaning to do this and never take the time. I'm not a fan of planning dinner either so this would work great for me. I've been wanting to try that white bean chili- I think you've given me the extra push of inspiration.

And laundry- why is it that just as I think I've got caught up I realize I have like 10 loads left?! UGH!

Reece's said...

I have a cooking blog w/my amazing cousin! Check it out, solves dinner problems fast!

Shelly said...

I do this almost every weekend for the coming week. It is a pain when you are doing it, but it pays off. It's no fun to be zooming home from work with no plan for dinner! It also helps that my oldest daughter is a fabulous cook who is always willing to help.

Ammieloris said...

:) Great idea. I am not the organized type of meal planner. However, to my credit, I do cook big meals, and then we enjoy lovely left overs!

Liz said...

Pulling dinner out of the freezer sounds great! When I had my children, friends of ours got together and brought us dinner every night for a week. That was heavenly.

Michelle Ross said...

how do you get traffic to your blog?
I want to start making a similar blog such as yours and would love some pointers



valerie said...

I try to do this every so often too. Most times I just make extras to whatever I'm making for dinner and then put in the freezer. It's a life saver once the kids start sports. I love Paula Deen. Might have to try her chili. :)

Annie said...

It is like we are living parallel lives! The cooking (or lack thereof), the laundry, etc! Thanks for great post and for adding a bit of humor buried under all my laundry!

whimages said...

OMG...I did 800 loads of laundry today too! ;-) LOVE that you stocked your freezer...you smart cookie!

Terri said...

Not only are you adorable, but so very funny. Love peeking in at your blog, thanks for the giggle! Terri

KiwiLisa said...

I can't wait to try the PD chili. I love your blog, and your great ideas.

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

You go girl!!! Making dinner and having fun. Maybe I should make dinner every once in a while (wink)

{Rebecca Fellows} said...

Ooo! That's just what my 19-year-old looks like....in his room...surrounded by all of his laundry...watching movies. He'll usually do a load when he has absolutely nothing else to wear. :D

enelybur said...

Lasagna is my favorite but do not know how to cook a tasty one. Anyway, let us wait 5 or 10 years from now so your son will be the one to do some house chores especially doing the laundry. Melbourne jobs

Anonymous said...

Diet Pepsi is, indeed, sweet nectar however I have a pressing question.

Where did you get that font for the captions on your photos? Don't even tell me that's your natural handwriting because I will have to virtually smack you in the head and then beg you to make it a font that I can buy.

I'll go up to $10. Deal?

Abby said...

to my girl "Cardiogirl" - HAHAHA! It's totally not my handwriting, but that would be so rad if I could write like that! It's a font and I can email it to you if you email me first with your addy. I'll take your $10, too - I won't argue with you on that. haha! justkidding.