
Birthday Week

INSANE! That's the one word that will sum up this week for me.

It's "Birthday Week" at my house, which means that three out of the five people in my little family have birthdays back-to-back. My boys are the 4th and the 6th and mine is the 8th. Needless to say, all I want for my birthday is to RELAX. I want to get totally wasted on a big 'ol bag of chocolates with caramel in the middle.

So to spice up my life, I threw in a baby shower on the 7th at my place, and I've got to have THREE aprons in the mail by Monday.


As if that weren't enough, my children's school has decided to throw together all of the year-end activities into ONE WEEK! We've had school musicals, a Zoo trip on Thursday, Field Day on Friday, and a BBQ next week.

That's it! When are they going to get on with this whole "cloning" thing, anyway? I could sure use another one of myself.

Thank goodness for humor, eh?! It's my drug.

Speaking of funny, I couldn't NOT share this card with you - it's too great. My brother sent this to me the other day and I couldn't stop laughing.

(On the inside) "Now go out there and show 'em what you've got."

If this isn't motivating, I don't know what is.

Back to work...


Michelle said...

Why oh why do they try to kill us mothers off like this?! Don't they want us around to help next year? You have all my sympathies! I know exactly how you feel! I happily don't have the birthydays to deal with although I haven't started my apron and I am in charge of enrichment tonight! Aaaaah! That which doesn't kill us right? Good luck! Your apron looks like it is going to be soooo cute! And love the shower invite!

lisagh said...

I'll never forget your birthday... mine's on the 9th! Happy Birthday week, fellow Gemini girl :)

Chanda said...

Holy stress! And that card has the opposite of a calming effect! Good luck with everything. I hope your birthday is wonderful.

Bri said...

I so almost used that lemon lime fabric! cute!

Amanda said...

That is great!!!! Happy birthday!!!

Enjoy your special day!!!

Carnies said...

Ha ha, it's birthday month over here at my place in NZ too Abby - I'm on the 16th, my grandson is on the 27, Daughter 2 is on the 28th and daughter 3 is on the 29th! Phew! What's with that month - and how come we didn't space things out better!!!

JS said...

Happy Birthday! I started reading your blog about a month ago and I have enjoyed every post. Good luck this week....

Kimberly said...

love the guy in the graduation cap

mike said...

How funny are our lives! Today is my B-day as well as 2 other family members this week. It's the last week of school and the classes have packed EVERYTHING into this week - my head is spinning:) Happy Birthday and I hope that life calms down for you!

Mom said...

Happy Birthday to all of y'all. And I thought I had it bad with 2 December birthdays and Christmas. I think you have me beat...lol!

I love the lemon/lime and pink material. I just finished my apron for the swap and plan to have it in the mail Friday morning.

Bri said...

Okay I totally dont know how to use flickr. I think I sent you my apron photos, but I didnt know how to add it to the group. I also think I joined the group. Anyway sorry if I messed up anything. Thanks for putting this together!

Nicol said...

I love the invited for the baby shower! Adorable! You've got to love busy weeks. Have a wonderful Birthday!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Happy Birthday to you and your boys!!

Yarni Gras! said...

what a funny card. And yes, schools do seem to try to push it with all the last minute stuff you HAVE to do. They have ALL YEAR to do field trips but only do them the last week of school.........

queen of everything said...

happy bday to you and yours. hope it's a great week.


Happy Birthday!!

Love the Card & the Lemon/Lime fabric. Can you share where you found the fabric??

ittybittybirdy said...

Happy birthday! Today is my b-day too!

Tif Sweeney said...

First of all, GREAT shower!! Loved it!!

Secondly, hope you had a FABULOUS birthday!!! You deserve it!! :)

House of Joy said...

Hope you had a great birthday!!!!

Thanks again for sharing all your wonderful ideas.